929• Dropping by.

Sep 24, 2013 21:28

Hey all! How do you do! :)

Just saying hi and I'm still alive. Though I'm still not ready to come back to LJ as a whole yet, especially the graphics making part. But I will return one day! I can see it! (LOL) Anyways, I hope everyone's doing great!

As for me.. well it's been kinda messed up(mentally haha) - not surprising, still in college, I have about 1 year and 4 months left - provided if I don't fail again. Yes I failed a subject previous semester because I fucked up, got depressed somehow, and now I'm repeating this subject. So far it feels better because not only it's a smaller class just for repeat students, the lecturer is more helpful than ever, and I can see myself improving a little(of course! I'm a repeat student afterall LOL). Got quite a big compliment last week :P

So, I've gotta run again now. Later! :3


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