Jun 18, 2011 06:27
[ video ]
Alright, you lot.
[This is Ginny Weasley and she's looking directly at the camera. Her vivid hair is a tangled mane around her face and it's obvious she's making this post just minutes after waking up. She doesn't care what she looks like. She's the happiest she's been in months, the beaming smile testament to that.]
I know there are Weasleys here and you'd bloody well better show yourselves or I'll hunt you down myself. And Bat-Bogey you for the trouble, too.
[She doesn't mean it. ... Not really. But now she's laughing.]
It's been years, please don't make me wait. [Pause.] And if there's anyone else from home, too, give a shout!
[ooc; FOURTH WALL! HAVE AT HER. Just no doubles, no telling her she's from a book, and no future spoilers beyond the Final Battle (though if it happens, she'll conveniently forget once it's all over). Feel free to threadjack, too! HAVE FUN AND BACKDATE FOREVER! ♥
edit; sleeping for a few hours! back soon. <333]
size =/= power,
seven is a magic number,
call to arms,
what big brother doesn't know,
oh those muggles,
video post,
youngest and only girl of the lot,
molly's daughter,
weasley moment,
what fourth wall?,