[ accidental voice ]
-yes, alright! Be right there!
[The feed begins with the sounds of a busy Blue Light, filtered through the pocket of an apron to dull the noise down to a muffled tone. Ginny’s voice rises above the rest, the lightness edged in a tension that must be brought on by balancing a full tray of drink orders on one hand - though you
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You should have mentioned.
[ What with all the goings on, it's not hard to guess what's gone wrong here, or even if it's not that - if Ginny is just unwell on a more ordinary scale, the point stands: she should have said. ]
It's through tightly grit teeth that she forces the low reassurance.]
There's nothing to mention. [Breathe. Breathe. It'll pass, it always does.] I've got this, Peter-it was my fault, really. Wasn't looking where I was going.
Ginny, I think we're slightly better off than lying to each other.
[ Finishing with the glass, he takes a rag to what spilled drink had gotten onto the floor and sops that up as well, his own mouth pressed thin, ] Please go home. I know what's been happening.
I just didn't know it'd been happening to you.
[The response is brusque and it's curtness can be blamed on the pain just as easily as it can be blamed on her temper. But Ginny can already feel it beginning to ebb just a little, enough so she can focus a bit more on the magic at hand, and she Vanishes the spilled liquid with a light flick of her wand. A mess that should have taken her two seconds to clean up and without any help. Well, what's done is done and it's alright now.
The redheaded witch stands, falters a little on her feet but regains balance quickly, and she looks up at Peter, jaw just as set.]
I'm not going home. I'm fine.
[There's more than stubbornness at work here. There's almost a plea in that last word. Don't pity me, don't think I need help, don't let anyone else know what I know you know. Please.]
You're being difficult, not, I suspect, out of wanting to be difficult, but out of some misguided sense of keeping a stiff upper lip, and while I do understand that, Ginny, this isn't an option. I'm telling you to go home.
Misguided? Don't you bloody dare.
[And with a huff of indignation more suited to her young age, Ginny tries to grab the bin from Peter, entirely with the intent to march off to the back room and away from all of this.]
To be fair, he only knows because it took him a rather long time to get with the program as well. ]
I'm afraid you have to remember I'm your friend but I'm also your employer.
[ Translation: you have to do as I tell you, in this place. ]
Ginny lets her eyes close for just a beat, and there's a suspicious brightness to them - another thing, another self-perceived weakness she wants to hide
Tired. She is just, suddenly, tired and some of the fight drains out of her.]
Peter, I'm sorry. I didn't think...
[She drops her voice as well as her gaze.]
I didn't say anything because I didn't want it to- [Ow, bloody hell.] To get in the way.
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