Title: Folie a Deux
ravenclaw42Character(s)/Pairing(s): Greed/Kimbley, Law
Rating: NC-17 (gore as much as sex)
Prompt: grey
Word Count: 2600
Summary: The chimeras really shouldn't have fallen in love with him; they know that. Because even their love can't protect him from his own obsessions.
Author's Notes: Law doesn't get enough credit as the unofficial leader of the chimeras, methinks. Blood and gore warning. I wrote semi-porn, omg! Be afraid, be very afraid. (No really, other writers have done this better, but you gotta start somewhere.) The title is French and means "a madness shared by two." Prompt was just... abstract. Law has grey hair, Kimbley's prison clothes are grey, the Devil's Nest kinda has an overall "grey" feel. Mrr. In other words, make it up as you go along. XD
There was only one thing Law knew to cause Greed such introspective absence of mind, such all-consuming curiosity.