Title: Lost
Author: Me
Pairing: Roy/Alphonse (mentions of past Roy/Ed)
Prompt: Draw a Line in the Sand
Word Count: 2,838
Rating: PG13
Warnings/Spoilers: Takes place after the end of the series, but becomes AU after that.
Summary: On a wet, cloudy day, General Roy Mustang prepares to sail back to Amestris when he finds himself confronted with someone from his past…
Go here to see the table. A/N: This chapter technically marks the end of this story. Eventually there will be an epilogue, because I do need 7 chapters for this challenge, but that will probably be a very long time in the future. However, this story doesn’t really need an epilogue. In fact, this is where I would end it if a 7th chapter wasn’t needed.
Go here for chapter 6 I’ve uploaded a song (‘Eurydice’ by
Sleepthief) to MegaUpload that I consider to be the soundtrack to this story. It fit so perfectly that I nearly died the first time I heard it. It can be found