Title: Remember Me: Candle in the window
Characters: Lucius/Gilderoy implied, Harry Potter mentioned
Prompt: Candle in the window
Rating: G
Word Count: 777
Author's Notes: Seventh of Seven! -
sixth here,
fifth here,
fourth here,
third here,
second here,
first here.
Remember Me: Candle in the window )
Comments 2
I squeeed like crazy at the lavender scented wallpaper, it's just so over the top Gildy that it's right. And I laughed at incontinent old witches too. So so clever. And the ending - would you like an autograph! Perfect. I'm glad you didn't have Gildy just happen to notice it was Lucius and not just anyone.
I'm so sad that the seven are finished, but so happy they are too. Please do someone else.
*goes back to read them all again* Bravo! *applauds*
*pulls Voldie out of the hat*
Thanks for reading!
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