SHOCK CLAIM: Ukrainian fighter jet shot down Malaysia Airlines' MH17

Apr 24, 2016 23:02

A BBC documentary will air “shocking new allegations” about the downing of Malaysia Airlines plane MH17, including claims it was shot down by a fighter jet and not a ground-to-air missile.


PUBLISHED: 00:01, Sun, Apr 24, 2016

GETTY   MH-17 crashed over eastern Ukraine killing 298 people

The Boeing 777 exploded over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, killing 298 people.

The official report concluded that the jet, bound for Kuala Lumpur, was downed by a Russian-made Buk missile fired from a Ukraine area under the control of Russian-backed rebels.

However, the programme will present new evidence that a Ukrainian fighter jet may have shot down the aircraft.
Another theory is that a CIA-backed “terrorist operation” planted two bombs on the airliner.

We heard a bang. At first we saw black smoke and two planes, little ones like silver toys

Witness Natasha Beronina

Witnesses directly beneath the exploding aircraft report seeing at least one fighter jet.

Natasha Beronina said: “It was summer, harvest time. We heard a bang. At first we saw black smoke and two planes, little ones like silver toys. One flew straight on and the other one turned round when the bang happened and flew back from where it had come.”

German investigative journalist Billy Six interviewed 100 witnesses, seven of whom said they saw a fighter jet.

The fuselage of MH-17 was reconstructed as part of the investigation

image Click to view

Six said: “One of them even told me how he saw it launch a missile. It was like a small line in the sky going into the clouds. Then he heard the big boom.”

He believes two jets shot it down - one firing a canon from the back into the cockpit to destroy the crew.

Then another fired an air-to-air missile. In the intense propaganda war between Ukraine and Moscow, Russia media reported the name of a pilot they believed was responsible, Captain Vladislav Voloshin, based at a southern Ukraine airfield. In an interview, he denied the allegations made by a mechanic on the base.

Captain Vladislav Voloshin denies he was responsible for the crash
He said: “We did not carry out flights on July 17. The mechanic also says that three aircraft went out on a mission and I was the only one to return. But again this actually happened on the 23rd.

“He said that the aircraft was carrying air-to-air missiles. There were no air-to-air missiles. I was carrying air-to-surface weapons for ground targets.”

The most shocking allegations come from private investigator Sergey Sokolov. He deployed more than 100 of his agents to investigate the site and examine evidence.

He said they found no shrapnel from a Buk missile. Sokolov said he was “sold” a phone intercept between two CIA agents that suggests they masterminded the planting two bombs on MH-17.

Private investigator Sergey Sokolovhad over 100 agents at the crash site and examining evidence

The CIA, he claimed, was helped by the Ukrainian secret service. Sokolov said: “The driving force of the operation were CIA agents and the Dutch security service also had a part to play as the bombs were put on the plane in Holland and this couldn’t have been done anywhere else.”

He added “This terrorist act was a pretext for firstly intensifying sanctions on Russia, secondly to show the world that Russia is a barbarian country and thirdly to strengthen the presence of Nato in Europe, particularly Ukraine.”

However, the documentary tells how British investigative blogging site, Bellingcat, supports the official version that a Buk missile was fi red at the aircraft by Russian-backed rebels.

Conspiracy Files: Who Shot Down MH17?, written and produced by Mike Rudin, BBC Two, May 3, 9pm.
  • Of course Ukraine did it and they have been hiding the air traffic control data and voice information ever since. Plus the USA never showed their intel from their warships which were in the Black Sea at the time.
  • Exactly right.
  • Фильм "МН17. Только факты".

  • Try some facts.

    Ukraine inherited 180 Buk launchers from the collapse of the USSR and Almaz-Antey was servicing a stock of 991 obsolete missiles for them - the crash report says that it was one of those which hit MH-17. (A modern war-plane should evade one easily.)

    All men had to serve in the forces - so in a vast area like Donetsk and Luhansk (20,000 sq miles with a population of 7 million) there would have been at least 10,000(?) men who had been trained in the basic operation of a Buk launcher.

    So what need would they have for any external assistance..?

    Why did every paper in the West instantly splash the same 'Putin's Missile' headline - before the investigators or OSCE had even reached the crash site..? (Why was Kiev's artillery shelling the area to keep them away?)

    Who invented and fed the media that story - and why..?

    Why is the US-run junta in Kiev so desperate to contrive and sustain that planted story - and why did they have nine Buk launchers operating, right in the front line, when the separatists didn't have one single aircraft..?

    There are still many unanswered questions about the MH-17 tragedy - which don't require flights of fancy, or wild assumptions.

Боинг 777, bbc, Украина

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