The Rules:
1. Reply to this post with 'Icons!', and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will - allegedly - create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
wordweaverlynn invited me to tell you about these icons:
We adopted him 3 ½ years ago.
This picture shows some depth. I now appreciate how difficult it is to get a picture of a pet that is not flat.
Hugs & Courage
This is the Names Quilt panel for my sister Wendy, who died in 1994 from AIDS after being clean and sober for10 ½ years. She created the wall piece, and I suggested it be used as her panel for the Quilt. She saw the moth being attracted to the flame, but I saw the phoenix being reborn from the flame. The name plate has her name and dates, plus a piece from a sewing pattern, an Amazon battle axe, and the 2 sides of the NA 10 year token.
This as an enjoyable picture of the_Ogre and me, waltzing at a contra Dance party.
This rabbit is the hobby (mascot) of Middlesex Morris, my team in the Boston area. Note the bell pads on the shins.
The giraffe is my totem. This came to me when I moved to the Bay Area in late 1992. Several of my health therapies were in a neighborhood of Oakland where there are giraffes painted on the stanchions of to McArthur overpass. This picture comes from a greeting card.