The sun sets for the first time urging the first eve.
Thieve the light, let earth rest, tomorrow is a big day.
To relieve one the opposite comes.
Eve is born.
"Leave your temptations at the door.
Heave your natural intentions to the floor.
Cleave to my unnatural will.
Or or i shall cleave the chance for welding good and you."
Now to deave my proclamation by my own creation.
I shall reave your privilege in spite of my fault.
Deceive now! Eat now! Taste the grace you have been needing, now!
Seave of beaut.
Leave bearing fruit.
Leave bearing cruel duals like fools.
Weaved lies now spread and catch flies to lie stale dead.
Believe the truth.
Eve was framed.
Concieved to decieve, made naive, perceive these sleeves to hold arms to hold arms. Achieve the seave and see, grieve with Eve for she's the fault of breathed faults breath. Calls call god and his con - CONcepts. Bereave her, oh so sweet then, Reave her through the keeps. Peeve weaved, ill intentions seethed, i saw and let more see. Eve would have loved to thank me.
Im really proud of this one folks... this is easily top 5 out of all the lame stuff i have written.