Aug 07, 2005 22:58
I didn't just jump over the rainbow and blow off Auntie Em. I told her to fuck off, killed a hitchhiker, ran over three turtles, and destroyed the economy of some poor desolate South American nation that most of you never even knew existed.
I've gone way too far this time. I fucked up real bad. I want to blame myself, because I am quick to jump to conclusions and of course I come to mind first. But there were other underlying circumstances ya know? How does one go about explaining such events? You can't and there lies the problem. If your sick and your mind is slowly being destroyed how can you blame yourself?
How much more can Robert Kondrup fuck up this summer? How many more things is he going to destroy?
I wish I could say that when it passes this time that everything will go back to normal, but----I was never that normal to begin with. It's a continuous cycle of fuckupisms. By the way, that is a real world, and it is of course in the Oxford Dictionary.
I want to explain my actions and just everything that has occurred with everyone over the past months or so, but would it make anything better? Of course not, but some people do deserve an explanation. And no I don't want to hear anything shit about "Oh--you've just been a crack addict and that's why you've had all these mood swings and that still doesn't excuse your actions etc..." If you were to have a conversation with me [anyone of you.....which I still think would never happen to begin with] you would realize that it has absolutely NOTHING to do with that.
All that i really want to say is that I'm sorry. And no I'm not expecting anything out of this. I can't even begin to fathom how things will get worse as a result of this entry. Well I guess it's better to let things out instead of bottling shit up. But it's hard when you've had a gallon of shit bottled up in a 12 ounce bottle of coke.
Who's to say what's normal anyway. I'm not trying to sound cliché with "Don't listen to anyone, love whatever, be whatever, everything is okay and right!" Is it though? Is it really ??
It's hot as balls out man.