Oct 05, 2005 22:53
i was literally screaming at the television tonight.
jin speaks english?
michelle rodriguez was playing them all along?
The whole island is a scientific experiment about conditioning
honestly i want to fucking die right now because i dont think i can make it to the end of this season without losing my fucking sanity.
numbers numbers numbers every 108 fucking minutes
is it Pharma or Dharma? UGHHHHHHHHHH
theres food down there. jack and desmond knew each other....
this aggravates me more than anything in the entire world
btw this post contained spoilers but it doesnt matter because im the only one who watches this show besides alex of course.
oh yeah and to mr. ifucallmyphoneonemorefuckingtimeimgoingtoshoveagolfclubupyourass stop leaving psychopathic voicemails. k thanx.