Application for trans_9

Jul 31, 2009 06:24

Your name: Ray
Your LJ: raykat
Your email:
Your AIM, MSN, or Yahoo handle: RayKat13 (AIM)

Character's name: Nana
Character's LJ: 7minus4
Character's canon: Elfen Lied (anime, though with permission would like to mix in a few manga elements to flesh things out when compatible)
Brief (around 300 words) personality outline of your character:

Nana is a Diclonius, a member of a mutated branch of humans, known for being vicious, brutal killers without regard for the lives of regular humans (in fact, they view humans as lesser beings).  I mention this now because she's something of an aberration for her kind: she actually enjoys the company of humans and is even protective of them, willing fight against her own race to keep them safe, though even then she hesitates to decisively take the necessary measures in order to win.  She wants to keep the "good people" safe from the "bad people", but she doesn't want to kill.

The reason for this relatively tame nature is that although she was brought up in awful conditions physically (explained below), she managed to develop a close bond with one of her captors, even coming to believe he was her father, and this man provided emotional support in return.  It was this relationship that kept her mind together during the time she spent in the lab, cheerfully enduring years of horrific experimentation, for she wanted nothing more than to please her papa and make him proud. But Nana isn't a doormat, she has a stubborn streak and a touch of a temper, and it's a trait that's gotten her into trouble (during her battle with Lucy in particular).  She's also proud and may pretend she knows what she's doing, even though it's a situation in which she's clueless.  And she's just a little bit vain, as evidenced on a couple of occasions, such as when a new friend told her her horns were cute.  Nana thanked her and said she thought so, too.

Also worth noting is that she doesn't completely lack the Diclonius dark side, it's simply repressed most of the time.  Under rare circumstances, threatened and under great mental distress, she can slip into a trance-like state where she displays the same cold, violent cruelty as others of her kind and it takes nothing less than a strong physical shock to bring her back to her usual senses.

Another problem Nana faces is that, despite appearing to have normal intelligence, being raised in a lab has left her ignorant of the outside world.  She lacks knowledge of many things most take for granted, such as the concept of money and even the names of everyday animals.  Her behavior often resembles that of a person much younger than her physical appearance suggests and she can be rather naive and gullible.  Also, sometimes, she speaks in third person.

Nana wants to be seen as a good person, and overall, she really is one.  She's concerned about others, a brave girl who would sacrifice herself for her friends and can't bring herself to hurt a defenseless enemy.  Though her life has been hard, she still believes the world is full of many wonderful things and she's grateful to experience them.

Brief (around 500 words) history and background of your character OR link to a really good wiki page with their history. In either case, explain where they cut off from the timeline:

As stated, Nana is a Diclonius, a mutant born with horns and capable of developing special powers, which will be described below.  Diclonius appear to act as normal, if peculiar-looking, children until around the age of three, when a genetic drive to destroy regular humans kicks in, at which point their first victims are usually their own parents.  Such infants usually never made it out of the maternity ward, for due to their dangerous nature it became standard procedure to euthanize them shortly after birth once their threat became known.  For some reason, however, Nana was one of those kept alive for research and experimentation.  (Possibly because her (deceased) older sister was also a Diclonius, as stated in extra-canonical information.)  Whether this makes her one of the lucky ones depends on your perspective.

At the time we first meet her in canon, she appears 12-14 years old, though her actual age is probably younger, as her variety of Diclonius, Silpelits, develop faster than normal humans.  Whatever her exact age, she had spent the entirety of her years in a Diclonius research facility located on a small island in Japan, isolated from the rest of the world.  During this time she was made to undergo various terrible and painful tests, described as "worse than torture."  Indeed, our first view of her shows her naked, chained to a wall, and covered head to toe in her own blood.

Despite this, she appeared surprisingly upbeat, due to the surrogate child-parent developed between her and the facility's chief of research, Director Kurama.  And for this reason, when Kurama came to her enclosure one day to ask a favor, Nana smiled and said yes ("Nana will do anything for P apa!") before even knowing the nature of it.  What was the favor?  To kill Lucy, an extremely dangerous Diclonius that had escaped earlier, because, as Kurama explained, Diclonius can sense each others' locations, making Nana the only person who could track Lucy down.  (Because she is the only Diclonius obedient enough to follow directions without killing bystanders, though this not told to Nana.)  Nana hung her head and said that she could find Lucy, but could never kill her.  Kurama agreed then that would be fine, that locating her would be enough,  The plan then became that Nana would find Lucy, signal them her location, then retreat and allow backup to collect the other Diclonius.

Things did not go as planned.  Nana found Lucy, and signaled the location, but then Lucy tried to leave and Nana tried to stop her.  Lucy didn't want to hear it, vector-slapped and insulted Nana, making the girl angry.  Nana hit Lucy back initiating a fight, but despite her superior reach, found herself outclassed in strength, not mention the fact that she'd never fought before.  At one point Nana's vector got ahold of Lucy's leg and apologized as she prepared to render Lucy unable to walk, but she was interrupted when a girl named Mayu saw the fight and tried to break it up.  Nana warned her to stay away and that was all the distraction Lucy needed.  She ripped off Nana's arms and legs without mercy and tossed Mayu into a bush, and was going to kill Nana, but was stopped by the arrival of Kurama & Co.  Afraid for Kurama, Nana only then pulled out a secret weapon by temporarialy disabling Lucy's vectors.  Kurama asked Nana why she didn't wait, and she told him she thought he would be proud of her for catching Lucy and apologized.  Though her vectors did not work, Lucy still got away and Nana continued to apologize until Kurama told her to stop talking.  She was then torniqueted and taken back to the facility where Kurama was given an order by his superior to destroy her and Nana was sedated.

Nana later awoke on a beach.  Her surrogate father had let her go with new prosthetic limbs, a bag full of money and a recording telling her about his orders and that he'd set free, to go far, far away, live in peace, and one day he'd find her and they'd be together again.  Nana was upset and didn't understand.  She was unlucky enough then to be found by Bando, a soldier who'd had a run-in with Lucy of his own before Nana had been sent after her, who held her at gunpoint and demanded she explain her horns.  He berated and pushed her till she snapped, going into a cold state like other Diclonii until he grazed her with a heavy caliber bullet and jarred her back to her normal self and shattering the prosthesis he'd gained after dealing with Lucy himself.  Nana asked about it and tried to become allies with him, he refused, but upon hearing she could sense Lucy, told her to contact him if she did.

After that she tried to fend for herself, but didn't understand about the money Kurama had given her and could not get food.  Eventually she ended up in the same graveyard she'd fought Lucy in, thinking herself abandoned.  By chance she encountered Mayu again, who thought she recognized from before.  After spending a bit of time together, Nana explained her situation and asked Mayu to be her friend and Mayu agreed, then mentioned there was another girl, the same one who'd been there first day they'd met, with horns living where she was brought Nana home with her.  Nana didn't sense Lucy and started to leave, only to be seen and confronted about her horns by Mayu's housemate Kouta.  And then Lucy showed up again (with amnesia, it's... complicated), there was much arguing and Nana split.  Mayu followed, Nana further explained the situation and about Diclonii, and Mayu explained about Lucy, or Nyu, as the other people at the house called her.  By the time they got back to the house, Lucy (actual Lucy this time) was back and she and Nana had short scuffle which was once again interrupted by Mayu, but this time no one was hurt and Lucy went back to Nyu-mode (and promptly stopped pinging Nana's Dicloni-dar, oddly enough) and eventually Nana was asked to stay at the house.

Nana would become part of the household and eventually made peace with the Nyu personality. (There is an OVA that takes place at this point in the series, though it's a lighter hearted side story not integral to the anime's storyline.  Basically Nana's involvement is her nearly giving Nyu/Lucy to Bando, then changing her mind.)  Things seemed to going along well enough until Nana suddenly sensed the approach of a new Diclonius who intended her death.  It was Mariko, a young Silpelit of vast power, released from confinement as the new one to find Lucy, though upon noticing Nana was told she could kill her.  Afraid Mariko would track her to the house and hurt/kill her friends, Nana ran off to meet her on a bridge.  She was even less of a match for than she had been for Lucy and Mariko played with her, repeatedly picking her up and dropping her from greater heights until she was interrupted by the arrival of Kouta and Nyu, looking for Nana.  Nana told Mariko to leave Kouta alone, and the younger girl resumed attacking Nana until finally Nana lashed out and disabled Mariko's vectors before falling into the water and going unconscious, saved only because Kurama had been approaching by boat with Bando (... it's complicated) who went off to do his thing.  Nana was overjoyed to see Kurama when she awoke, and soon helped him locate where Mariko was taken after the bridge incident so he could kill her (... complicated), and Mariko attacked Nana again during the confrontation, after Nana urged Kurama to leave for his saftey.  Kurama interfered, walking off with Mariko, but, before he did, telling Nana to promise she'll try to be happy.  Nana then saw him explode with the other girl.  The scientist that had detonated the bomb was going to shoot her, but Lucy came and killed him instead, telling Nana to go live in the house before leaving.  That was the last Nana ever saw of her, but she did as she said, repeating to herself on the walk back that she had to go home.  Next time we see her is set an unspecified time later, at home with the family of friends she's become a part of and glad for it, and that is the end of her story.

I'd be taking her from the walk home.

Sample post (just a general, everyday, puttering-around-the-ship post; please include a snippet of dialogue):

It was a slow day aboard Stacey and Nana had decided to spend some time exercising her vectors in one of Sensoriums.  She practiced their more delicate uses daily, always trying to get better with her prosthetic limbs, but she wanted a chance to really stretch herself.

So there she was, in a recreation of the cemetery near home, trying to lift and throw ever heavier objects.  It was a location that stirred mixed feelings, for it had played host to the life-changing altercation between her and Lucy, but it had also been the place that she had met her first friend.  And this was good, because it was a place that made Nana want to get better, get stronger, and at the same time reminded her of the new family she would get to see if only she could get home.  "There are good people here too," Nana said, sweating as she did her best to pull a stone from the ground.  "Nana will try to help them."

The Diclonius pulled, and panted, but the stone wouldn't budge.  She pushed, but it stayed put.  Finally, as she pooled the last of her strength to those invisible arms, it moved.  Slightly.  Nana nearly laughed, delighted, and concentrated harder, one set of vectors digging her prosthetic feet into the ground, balanced precariously as she pulled on the marker.  Almost... almost...

The sound of the Sensorium door opening went unregistered, but not the voice that followed.  "Hey, Nana!"

She lost of focus then, tumbling backwards onto the ground as her vectors lost their hold on her false feet, landing in a heap with a cry.  The tightness of the plantsuit kept her limbs from flying out in all directions as they might have at home, but they twisted in unnatural directions like a broken doll.  She stubbornly shook her head at the extended hand offered by her interrupter, vectors popping the prosthetics back in place as she proclaimed, "I'm okay!"

If the character has magic, mutant, or otherwise metahuman abilities, please explain what they are and outline EXACTLY how they function, as their powers may not work due to the nature of the ship or may need to be limited somehow:

As a Diclonius, Nana possess long, invisible extra arms known as vectors that are attached at her back and can be used in a number of ways, offensive, defensive, and otherwise (as said above, Nana uses hers to operate her prosthetic limbs and can even fire the fire the limbs in a "rocket punch").  They are controlled by the pineal gland in the brain and both stronger and faster than normal arms, and though they cannot normally be seen, they are fully capable of gripping and interacting with solid objects, though they can also become insubstantial enough to pass through them.  Vector length varies between individuals (Nana's are about 5 meters long) and grow steadily with age.  Vector use can be hindered by physical pain.

Another ability of the Diclonii, though less likely to come up in the game, is their telepathic connection to one another.  They can sense each others' locations and even their intent, to an extant. And though it's not explicitly stated, Diclonii seem to bounce back from injury faster than normal humans. (Such as when Nana is still able to move, even walking normally, after Mariko was done with her.)  Nana also posses a unique ability to temporarily disable the vectors of other Diclonius, though it appears she has yet to develop conscious control or even awareness of this talent.

Non-superhuman special abilities of note (Is your character a master ventriloquist? A naturally-occurring super-genius? The best martial artist in the world? Say so here):  None to speak of.  Other than her powers, Nana is actually pretty unskilled at this point.