My first tagging....

Feb 12, 2010 13:17

I was tagged by pixiebullets   That´s my first time! :)

- List 7 habits/quirks/facts.
- Tag 7 people to do the same.
- Don't tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag 'whoever wants to do it'.

Ok, we´ve got a problem because this is not Facebook and  I don´t have 3949347 friends on LJ. For the fact is that I just have 2.  I hope it´s ok just to answer the questions. :)

Ok, here we´re! 7 facts about me!

1. I don´t drink coffee. I tried it once in France and it was squirmy.  WAH.

2.  I´m addicted to audio books! I need an audio book to drop asleep! Even if I normally listen to thrillers or whodunits.

3. If I work on the computer for a longer time I must listen to "Antony and the Johnsons"! And I always start with "Hope there´s someone". That calms me down. :)

4. At the moment I´m a passionate Vampire Wars and Mafia Wars player on Facebook.

5. I can´t drink milk and other milk products because I´ve got a  lactose intolerance.

6. I met Princess Diana in Oxford. (I don´t know why I thought of it now?!)

7. I want to travel to Iceland one day! I dream about it since I´m 17 or 18. It started with Björk and ended with learning icelandic. :D

Oh, nearly forgot my biggest wish! A PUG of course! Or a Puggle or a Bullmo! I love them all! I wanna have one! And his name will be "Herr Lehmann" (Mister Lehmann).

YEAH, that´s all about me! :)   Any more questions? 
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