Today my long awaited DVDs from GB arrived! Well packed!
Of course I opened it immediately! And there they are! My boys!
They look good, don´t they?
The best is that my DVD Player has no problem to play them although the package information says that it´s a RC6 DVD Set!? Technologie! But it was also a big disappointment that Season 2 still hasn´t the Jukebox!!! I´m angry about this Jukebox thing!
And there was another surprise! Look what I found after I unpacked the QaF Boxes!
I found out that he hasn´t sold it that day! Good for me! Now I´m the owner of a Lost in Translation RC1 DVD! :D
And he has had a bad hand with the postage because I payed 2 Pounds and he paid 7,21! I get all Box Sets for 14,11 Ponds! So he has had a profit of 6,90! Good for me bad for him!
Yeah, that was my exciting day! :D Of course I drew 30 shards at my office but that wasn´t sooo exciting! :D