FLOGGING MOLLY WERE AWESOME! Or, er, I think they were. I'd had a lot of beer by that stage. XD Nah, they were completely worth seeing for the third time. I'll pencil them in for the same time next year. I've taken a lot more of a shine to their new stuff having seen, sang and jigged to it live.
Speaking of jigging, the lovely
ladynytron accompanied me to the concert. I had so much fun and wouldn't have had nearly as much without her. She's so energetic and jiggalicious. Oh, and did I ever mention that she's obscenely attractive? :D She got me into all sorts of trouble, such as this self-pwn:
Apparently I should not jig up stairs while inebriated - even when being led up said stairs by also jigging and inebriated woman. The cut's not so bad but I bruised the heck out of my cartilage and whatnot. Though I didn't seem to feel it much at the time and it sure didn't stop me jigging. :D It's funny, I was half-expecting (undeserved) vigilante justice to be meeted-out. No beating came on that front, or even just a random "he's a short guy in the Valley - get him!" beating. The only beating I copped that night was my own. XD There's a sort of poetic justice there, I think. In many ways I'm my own worst enemy. This was just one of the more concrete and less life destructive.
Speaking of life destruction - I think maybe the best part of the concert was that I was having so much fun I completely forgot to ruminate about the company I had the previous time I saw them. I think this was such a healing thing for me to do. Balls to the cost, I needed that.
Oh and I got to meet
kythin , whom I'd seen on various LJs. He was a lot less bald and belligerent than I'd pictured him. ;) I made this entry public in case he wanted to stop by and see my namedropping. heh
Now - who's in for the Dropkick Murphys in May? Hopefully more than just
ladynytron , she's more than I can handle alone!