Nov 12, 2013 22:58
I have not been to a doctor except when I broke my ankle for over ten years. This yesr my employer,Hennepin County,
has finally given us a less expensive more restrictive choice for healthcare insurance coverance. I decided I should finally get the ordinary yearly health check with attendant lab checks before I elected my future coverage, so I scheduled the same with a doctor whom I had had before earlier coverage changes and whom I thought I could trust.
I am so ashamed that I did so. I am pretty much sure that I am healthy, but now I have cost my employer and my co-workers almost $1000 for a check on a woman who is not ill.
I do not blame the lab techs or all other techs for this. They were very professional. They did what they were ordered to do.
If I had known that a annual checkup would cost over $800 I never would have done it. I also predicted that they whould ask me to do a second breast exam. I have had the same result forever. My right breast has always showed the same anomaly. It's just fine! And WTF is an ultrasound?
Bad enough but now my doctor wants to give me prescription drugs. My bad cholestrol has been high since my twenties. My good is good. Given half a chance I would live on cheese and bacon. I know I should not, I know how to change and I do not need medication to make a change.
Also my vitamin D is low,low,low. So send me to the equator! I might consider taking vitamin D, but you what to put me on something stronger which is a prescription whose name I cannot even pronounce.
I am going to elect the cheapest coverage. I have great sympathy for people who have the need for coverage due to health issues. I hope the Affordable Healthcare Plan will be the cure.
My issue is this: We do not have a healthcare plan in the USA, we have a health insurance plan. When we failed to get single payer coverage we left the private insurance industry with the power to dictate the future of health coverage They seem to be doing a really good job. Denials 'cause they can.
Also, those of us who are healthy need to stop buying into the preventative is best mantra. If each of us elects to get the suggested preventive care every year at a cost of nearly $1000 our group coverage will continue to be not only a burden to us but also a burden to our taxpayers. I'm going back to the days of my childhood: go to the doctor when you are sick.
I hereby apologize to Hennepin County taxpayers. I am so sorry I wasted your dollars. I shoild have just stuck with my own analysis of my health.
And the whole thing has made me sick and depressed and very very angry.