(no subject)

Feb 14, 2005 00:10

XoWHIGGERoX: Hey cuteness
Rach3408: hey babe whats up?
XoWHIGGERoX: Notta,how ya living?
Rach3408: im fine how are you
XoWHIGGERoX: Im good,just looking at clothes on the internet
Rach3408: oh-- i just got done with the longest sorority meeting ever and my roommates are both asleep already so i have nothing to do
XoWHIGGERoX: Well I lived in Tampa Id entertain you
XoWHIGGERoX: The meeting suck?
Rach3408: thanks
Rach3408: It was just long.
XoWHIGGERoX: Well thats no fun
XoWHIGGERoX: I worked today,I had a blah day
Rach3408: It started at 8 and I just got back like 10 minutes ago
Rach3408: Why did you have a blah day?
XoWHIGGERoX: Jesus,just long and boring,I woke up with a hangover and called off work this morning,but I went to work tonight
XoWHIGGERoX: I didnt make any money either since we were dead
Rach3408: eww.. that sucks bad. yea i got really wasted thursday night so i didnt do anything for the rest of the weekend.
XoWHIGGERoX: Lol,I hate when I get so wasted one night Im done for the week
Rach3408: oh yea
Rach3408: did you and candace work things out again... i know you weren't in the best of moods when you left ryans house superbowl sunday
XoWHIGGERoX: We did and then I ended it
XoWHIGGERoX: Its not worth it anymore
Rach3408: hmm...
XoWHIGGERoX: I really felt like an ass Sunday
Rach3408: Why>
XoWHIGGERoX: I didnt get to say shit to you at all
XoWHIGGERoX: I was in such a bad mood
XoWHIGGERoX: Im tired of her ruining my days
Rach3408: Ok you're talking to a girl who ditched her friends for like a year for a relationship... i think that you're one time is excusable... and yall were in a fight
XoWHIGGERoX: I dont hate her its just we really cant work out our differences,her dad spoils her so bad she cant compensate for her mistakes ever
XoWHIGGERoX: Lol,that makes me feel better
Rach3408: that sucks but hopefully yall can be friends-- might take awhile but it would be nice
XoWHIGGERoX: Its always a nice thought,but you already know how that works
Rach3408: yea
Rach3408: i do
Rach3408: i really think both barry and i are mature enough to be friends one day but both of us need to be free of feelings for one another before that can happen. i hope you and candace can say the same.
XoWHIGGERoX: I can totally agree I just cant do it right away
Rach3408: yea it would be a mistake to try and be friends right away
XoWHIGGERoX: I wish her the best of everything I just cant be a part of it right now
XoWHIGGERoX: It hurts alot,not that shes not my g/f but the fact that we cant even be cool until all feelings have totally dissolved
Rach3408: yea thats what the worst part was/is for me too. I totally dont have feelings for barry. I've moved on in every aspect. I want him to be happy and it hurts that i can play no role in his being happy anymore
XoWHIGGERoX: I know what you mean
Rach3408: but oh well
Rach3408: it was worth it... learned a lot all that good stuff
XoWHIGGERoX: Its also really hard for me because Alexis used to always help me out and we hate each other so much now,so I cant talk to her for help,it feels good venting to you but you can only do so much because you only know "my" side of it,so I cant get it out like I want to,no offense to you
XoWHIGGERoX: So I still feel full of emotion that wants to get out
Rach3408: what happened between you and alexis?
XoWHIGGERoX: She just really befriended me
Rach3408: why do you guys not get along is what i meant
XoWHIGGERoX: She got me at me cuz me and candace got into a fight,then she tried to get candace to hang with all these marines that alexis likes,then her b/f called me and told me candace was all over some guy and in the background alexis said"dont tell on her"
XoWHIGGERoX: And me and her used to be so so so close,we were like more than friends we were so close,and I didnt do anything to ruin the friendship,she turned her back on me,cuz me and candace got into a fight
XoWHIGGERoX: Whenever alexis and kyle got in a fight I was the only one there for her when her other friends turned there back because they thought she was dumb and she totally fucked me
XoWHIGGERoX: Its just not cool at all
Rach3408: hmm that sucks... i really think the orlando move with be good for you brett. its nice to all together be through with the high school drama and no offense but it sounds like you and candance's relationship was full of it
XoWHIGGERoX: It really was,I always stuck with it because I kept saying once she graduates it will be over,but it wont,shes never gonna learn
XoWHIGGERoX: Honestly Rach nothing good has came from the two of us being together
Rach3408: maybe she will but you need to get away from the high school atmosphere and learn from being seperated from that part of your life... it changes the way you look at everything
Rach3408: and not in a bad way
XoWHIGGERoX: I love her I really do,she is just to immature,Im not saying I didnt fuck up cuz I did,but I dunno
XoWHIGGERoX: thats why I cant wait to leave
XoWHIGGERoX: Ill miss everything but I think it will be an eye opener
Rach3408: yea maybe in a few years she will be ready to be in a relationship with you... if its meant to be then you guys will meet up when the timing is righ
Rach3408: it will be. and orlando isnt that far.
XoWHIGGERoX: Thats what I think,shes a great girl she really is,I was just her first real boyfriend
XoWHIGGERoX: I dont think she was ready
Rach3408: yep yep
XoWHIGGERoX: Maybe neither of us were
Rach3408: theres no point getting in a serious relationship in high school
Rach3408: theres no point in getting in one until you are ready to get married
XoWHIGGERoX: Unless your Sarah Watsons parents
XoWHIGGERoX: Probally right
Rach3408: o yes cause thats wonderful
Rach3408: but like hurting someone that you love sooo much is a terrible feeling and i dont ever want to do it again
XoWHIGGERoX: Ive done it and so has she,its a lose lose situation,its not fun being on either side of it
Rach3408: nope nope
Rach3408: its sucks hugely
XoWHIGGERoX: I wonder if the pain and feelings ever like simmer down
XoWHIGGERoX: I mean from being away from a loved one
XoWHIGGERoX: Im always Im gonna grow up to be some weird depressed old guy cuz the one I loved got away
XoWHIGGERoX: worried*
Rach3408: i feel like you're first love will always be you're first love and theres something to say for the first person who breaks you're heart and vice versa. you'll always have a little place in your heart for that person
XoWHIGGERoX: Yeah,that girl Christina still hold a place for me,that was ninth grade
Rach3408: no... you're 18 you're not even going to be the same person you are now in 4 years... i dont belive in that one person for everyone crap
XoWHIGGERoX: We dated for like 6 months or something like that
XoWHIGGERoX: Oh ok good
Rach3408: yea... its a weird thing.
XoWHIGGERoX: At some point Im cool with it and then some point Im like fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
XoWHIGGERoX: Everything reminds me of her
XoWHIGGERoX: Like when I go to bed I see a commercial that has something to do with us
XoWHIGGERoX: Then I cant sleep
XoWHIGGERoX: Today I found a pair of panties in my room that were hers
Rach3408: yea--- love, relationships it all sucks. i love having a bf and someone who knows you better than you know yourself is amazing to have around.. the sense of comfort they provide is incredible but i dont ever want to feel the way i felt when i had to tell barry i didnt love him anymore
XoWHIGGERoX: Ive said it to Candace not meaning like when we were fighting
Rach3408: thats what being away from jax will help!... i dont know what i would do if i was still in jax having things remind me of barry
Rach3408: im talking about like when i broke up with barry-- cause we didnt break up cause we were fightng or whatever
XoWHIGGERoX: Did you do cuz you lost feelings?
Rach3408: it was totally my decision and he didnt want to break up at all...
Rach3408: yea i cant explain it
XoWHIGGERoX: The shit is so confusing
Rach3408: like i just wasnt in love with him anymore... i tried to be and i tried for a good while but i couldnt make myself love him anymore
XoWHIGGERoX: I cant imagine how hard that must have been
XoWHIGGERoX: I dont wanna try either
Rach3408: and it was eatting me up inside, i was stressed sooo much bc of it
Rach3408: it was the worst thing ive ever gone through
XoWHIGGERoX: R u better now?
Rach3408: i talked to my mom about it and she was like it doesnt get any easier...
XoWHIGGERoX: Thats my friends say that have gone through it
XoWHIGGERoX: what*
Rach3408: yea im fine... it was so hard because i was fine with it. i cared about him so much and he loved me with all his heart but i didnt love him back and i had to tell him that
Rach3408: you cant imagine telling someone that
XoWHIGGERoX: I dont think I could take it if Candace told me that
XoWHIGGERoX: Im sure he did respect that you at least tell him
XoWHIGGERoX: told*
Rach3408: i cant even explain to you how bad it was... and it didnt make it easier being around christmas and new years and stuff
XoWHIGGERoX: Tomorrow will be hell for me
XoWHIGGERoX: Valentines
Rach3408: hmm.. im not excited about it either
XoWHIGGERoX: You gotta be mine
Rach3408: my mom send me chocolate :-)
Rach3408: ok!
Rach3408: im yours
XoWHIGGERoX: Ill send you a rose through the comp,my mom did that for me too
Rach3408: yay!
XoWHIGGERoX: Can I put this convo on the LJ
XoWHIGGERoX: I would like for Candace to read it
XoWHIGGERoX: I hate chocholate though,so I gave it to my pothead brother
Rach3408: sure...
Rach3408: haha how are you gonna let your little bro be a pothead??
XoWHIGGERoX: I want her to see it so she knows the truth
XoWHIGGERoX: Its all him
Rach3408: be a role model and tell him NO
XoWHIGGERoX: Ryan and ricky and mike sell it to him
XoWHIGGERoX: Hes rolling a blunt right now
Rach3408: thats bad
XoWHIGGERoX: He is so funny
XoWHIGGERoX: Hes a fucking tard
Rach3408: lol my sister thinks he's like the nicest person to her
XoWHIGGERoX: They need to holle at each other
XoWHIGGERoX: holler*
Rach3408: no no no
XoWHIGGERoX: It would be funny
Rach3408: yea it would
XoWHIGGERoX: Why you say no no no?
Rach3408: cause my sis isnt dating a Combs.... she needs a good influence... a smart, dorky boy who goes to church
Rach3408: ;-)
XoWHIGGERoX: Aww man
XoWHIGGERoX: At least were cute
Rach3408: ill give you that much
XoWHIGGERoX: Haha,bitch
Rach3408: start going to church and youll have what it takes to date a forbes
XoWHIGGERoX: Thats all I need
Rach3408: lol im just kidding...
XoWHIGGERoX: Im going tomorrow
Rach3408: haha!
Rach3408: church means no sex til marriage
Rach3408: can you handle that
XoWHIGGERoX: For you...
XoWHIGGERoX: Your not that hot
XoWHIGGERoX: Sorry boo
Rach3408: yea... i wouldnt be able to make it either
XoWHIGGERoX: I still stick to you gotte the cutest butt
Rach3408: oh yes!
XoWHIGGERoX: Thats when you say Im the best whigger ever
Rach3408: oh definitly
Rach3408: if whigger was my type id be all on ya
XoWHIGGERoX: If I liked stuck up preps Id holler
XoWHIGGERoX: Nah your too unique
XoWHIGGERoX: Your mean and shit
Rach3408: no im stuck up
Rach3408: and mean too
XoWHIGGERoX: True indeed
XoWHIGGERoX: Well Rach you have helped me alot,I love you to pieces and Im glad your my new Valentine
XoWHIGGERoX: Goodnight
Rach3408: me too
Rach3408: kiss kiss... see ya next time im in town

Thanx dude your the coolest
By the way niggas
Go ahead and call me the bling bling king
Pall Wall biotch!
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