Sep 04, 2011 12:59
I don't even live on the coast. I live on the opposite side of NJ and we got our asses handed to us. We couldn't go anywhere for three days afterward because of all of the trees in the road. And we didn't get power back until Friday night. We didn't have power for six days.
Luckily, the Red Cross was set up at my old high school - a school of which had a swimming pool and therefore showers. SHOWERS. The small things you take for granted x.x
We were one of the five houses on our road that didn't have power and some of the last 5000 people statewide to not have power. But now we do and I'm excited and happy and I made three fanlistings in one night lawlz withdrawal much?
But in all seriousness, we didn't even get the worst of it. My sister showed me a picture of Atlantic City's beach. Or the sand cliff that was once the beach. And one of the Red Cross volunteers told us that Connecticut (I think) had off-coast casinos that washed up on top of neighborhoods. I feel horrible for the people who lost family and their homes.
And now I hear there are two more hurricanes on the way?
Also, my sister gave birth in the midst of the chaos. I swear, this woman is like a pregnancy veteran. She's had four kids - Samantha took twelve hours to come out, Joey took four, Madilyn took a half hour, and now little Victoria took a grand total of five minutes. My sister's birth canal is like a slip n' slide for babies now. Who the hell gives birth in five minutes and four pushes? xD I swear, if she ever gets pregnant again (which she doesn't plan to - four is plenty) it'll just be born on the car ride to the hospital.
And I didn't get a chance to schedule for college yet because of this stuff. Classes start on the 6th and that's the earliest day I can schedule. I've never scheduled "late" before and don't know if there are any consequences :x