
May 31, 2008 22:59

NOTE: ALL APPLICATIONS ARE LOOKED OVER ONCE A WEEK, ON WEDNESDAYS. If there's a LOT of applications, then it'll be on Mondays and Fridays.

Here's the applications for the roleplay! Please note that the more detailed/well thought out your application is, the more likely you will be accepted. Also, please make sure you've looked over the rules and the taken character list!

If you're ready to post your application, please post it below. All comments are screened!

ALL APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN! Go ahead and start posting your app, if you're interested! :D

Also, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check and make sure you've read the rules! If you're missing something, I'll ask you to check the rules again. If you do not re-add that in another comment, your application will be automatically declined. So, please check the rules again before you post! Thanks!

Another note and this might possibly pose as a bit of a problem. I'm going to try and figure out how to fix it, though! You can NOT reply to your comments, due to the screening. I'm going to try to figure out how to fix it, but for now, you can't reply to your other comments. This shouldn't be a problem with posting your application, though.

    Player's Name:
    AIM and/or Email:
    Roleplaying Experience:

    Name: Since the game and the RP take place in Shibuya, please put the surname first and the first name last; also, keep in mind to keep your character's name Japanese! If you need help with getting a Japanese name, please post and let me know!
    Type of Character: If original, please state if they're a player, a Reaper, a neutral character, or anything otherwise.
    Ability: All players and Reapers have an ability, one that they can only use inside of the UG. Please state if they use this more than their pins or psychs or if that's the other way around. Also, PLEASE don't make these abilities too godmoding or powerplaying.
    Appearance: If you have a picture, please provide it, but don't rely on it to describe your character. The more detailed your description is, the better!
    Personality: Round characters are awesome! Flat ones are icky, though... The more detailed their personality is, the better!
    History: It can be as detailed as you want. You can describe every little detail or very little details. But, the more there is about your character, the better it is. [for canon characters, a basic summary of what happened in the game will be fine, but what is really needed in this part is what has happened since they had a part in the actual game; please note that their game just recently ended. it's basically been two months since the end of the last game.]
    First Person Sample: Just a sample works! It doesn't necessarily have to be for your character, either. If you have a sample from another journal, feel free to use that! But, please provide at least 5 sentences! [If you submit a second application, THIS IS NOT NEEDED.]
    Third Person Sample: This is just to see how you roleplay in third person, and it is NOT a large part of getting accepted into the RP. We're not strict, you know! Just post at least 300 words of a roleplaying sample. Like the first person sample, it doesn't have to be this character; it can be from ANY roleplay. If you think it's really good, then use it! [If you submit a second application, THIS IS NOT NEEDED.]
    Like a bolt from the blue, it's time for a Reaper Review! [ PLEASE LOOK AT THE RULES; the exact answers are on there and you will need to copy and paste that! ]
    On the rules page, what is the second rule?
    Fusion attacks are awesome, aren't they? What is Beat's line in his second Fusion attack with Neku?
    Math may suck, but that doesn't mean this guy isn't awesome! Is it true that you can actually get Minamimoto's hat at one point in the game?

Canon Character Application:
Player's Name:
AIM and/or Email:
Roleplaying Experience:

First Person Sample:
Third Person Sample:
Like a bolt from the blue, it's time for a Reaper Review!
On the rules page, what is the second rule?
Fusion attacks are awesome, aren't they? What is Beat's line in his second Fusion attack with Neku?
Math may suck, but that doesn't mean this guy isn't awesome! Is it true that you can actually get Minamimoto's hat at one point in the game?

Original Character Application:
Player's Name:
AIM and/or Email:
Roleplaying Experience:

First Person Sample:
Third Person Sample:
Like a bolt from the blue, it's time for a Reaper Review!
On the rules page, what is the second rule?
Fusion attacks are awesome, aren't they? What is Beat's line in his second Fusion attack with Neku?
Math may suck, but that doesn't mean this guy isn't awesome! Is it true that you can actually get Minamimoto's hat at one point in the game?

Please note that the rankings of the Reapers will be assigned later; though that doesn't necessarily mean they'll be assigned by moderators... It'll be first come, first serve, and it'll be in the Reaper's HQ community!

applications, !mod, characters

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