EoM!!! Ganbareee~

Feb 28, 2015 21:13

February is short and fast, and I mean it.
It's EoM already, and obviously EoM things to do. Yeah. Ganbare atashi~

Yeah. First Boss E was not around, and the Second Boss A was in a really, really, bad mood because of some annoying clients. She threw the phone towards me when she asked me to call the driver. She ripped the chocolate drink bag with more strength than necessary. She rarely talked and barely laughed. I spontaneously made a silly gesture today, and my two friends laughed hysterically. Usually when the two of them laughed, she would laugh as well, usually the loudest. But today she just smiled. I need some hilarious laughter to boost my motivation but today was just kinda gloomy... :(

Okay and these two days I tried my best to do the EoM stuffs myself. The thing is, lately I've been avoiding asking questions to E to force myself to just think and learn so I wouldn't trouble her too much. I would try to think and solve the problems myself, only later when I was stuck, I would go to E to ask her what I should do. Next June will be the start of my second year, and I felt like I haven't made a good improvement (and I'm still too scared to ask E and A about my review, afraid that they might think I'm cocky, or that if the review is good, I would think it's enough and I wouldn't do my best anymore--because I think I'm lazy).

But EoM without E is.. difficult. I couldn't do it myself (yet). I couldn't focus and prioritize things during this period, and especially when the shop's open. When you mark something as final, it changes again as customers keep coming in and out. I can't be as flexible as E just yet. And I'm panicky. But thank God, E is kind as usual, she said she would help as soon as she came back. And A told me there will be a new friend for me, to help me with the jobs! Yay! \(;___;)/

Whew. Tomorrow will be the last spurt, I guess. I hope I can do better, and when E comes, hopefully the things I've done these two days wouldn't disappoint her. Ganbare atashi!!

daily, randomness

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