For the record, reports of my demise have been vastly overstated. And as I, for some reason, once again feel the need to chronicle things in written format I find myself here, typing away at my desk, hoping that someone out there, anywhere, is reading.
I understand that there is much to get everyone caught up on so I will attempt to do so chronologically, as it is the closest approximation to cartographically as I can get in this media.
Last we saw our hero, he was about to be chopped, dropped, and fitted with new rubber. This, in fact, happened as planned. I had the bronchoscopy (spelling, anyone?) and through said procedure had the upper lobe and inner surface of the medial lobe of my left lung forcibly sucked from my body. In it's place is a springy-plastic thing to help hold my chest cavity open. I still wheeze from time to time, I still cough like it's going out of style, and I still can't do stairs without feeling like I'm going to drop over dead. Of course, I was told to expect each and every one of these things, so I blame it on the nurses who told me for making it all come true. The procedure wasn't as bad as I had imagined, but still, the funny taste in my mouth lasted about two weeks. If I try hard enough I can still taste it. The rehab was surprisingly easy, with a small oxygen tank that was my best friend for about eight weeks following the procedure and the occasional physical therapy session. I've never ben good with the PT primarily since after the car accident in '94 the PT is what really screwed me up. I don't trust the people in the industry, I don't trust the training, and damnit, I think a doctor should be telling you what kind of things should fix you, not some yahoo with a BA in "I was on the football team therefore I know what to do to help you get better..." Call it my inner cynicism, but fool me once... Regardless I did what I always do. I fall back on my own training, I set a schedule, I monitor my progress, and I fix myself. The rental of the oxy-sat monitor was kinda cool, though, especially since when I told McDeadly that I needed one he didn't even bat an eyelash. He grabbed the phone, dialed a number, and told me where to pick it up that afternoon.
As expected, MC did indeed come to stay for a while, but it was thankfully short, as my ability to tolerate his singular wit has passed away. I've talked to him since, but I really feel as if that's just another friendship whose time has come and gone.
There is additional news on the disease front but that will have to wait until at least next week, since there are some things that need to be researched, discussed, and planned before being commented on.
This whole ordeal brought me past Thanksgiving which I was supposed to spend in SC with my uncle, cousins, and grandmother, but since Rich is back to being a jackass that never happened. I was really in no shape to travel anyway, since it would have been avec tank, and driving and breathing wasn't so easy to do at the same time for a while. I ended up spending the holiday in a hotel room in Amelia Island since they have available nursing care if needed, watching the waves come ashore and the golfers do their thing. It was the same as it always is, unfulfilling and alone. Christmas was much the same, spent away from GNV because of T&S's family's impending arrival, not in SC because of Rich, and in another hotel room. By this point, though, I was off the oxy and got to go to the Gators-Buckeyes basketball game for my first public outing sans tank. The Christmas excursion to Savannah was the second.
Shortly after Christmas my grandmother passed away, on the 12th of January. It's not that I didn't see it coming, I just didn't see it coming so soon. It made the last time I saw my grandmother the weekend when I rolled up to SC to drop off her things after Pop died in July. It frankly sucks rocks, and I have yet to come to full terms with it all. I blame myself, of course, and I blame Rich for being so awfully possessive of his mother. She was 94. There was no funeral drama for her as there was for my grandfather, primarily because everyone showed up this time. I found it interesting upon later reflection that no one noticed, or at least no one spoke of, the fact that she died on what would have been their 73rd wedding anniversary. I continued to execute Pop's will and now have Nana's to handle as well, though both have cleared probate and are being discharged. I've been renting the old Tree Tops house out since 2003, and now have been renting the Oakmont house out since I put everything in storage in August. It's turned into a nice little real estate business for me, but I really just want my people back. If anyone knows of a way to trade real estate for a return from beyond, let me know. Also, I ended up selling
Pop's old Imperial earlier this month, as it was beginning to fade away a part at a time. (Note that pic isn't of the actual car, but it is the right color, year, and body style..)
Other than that there is nothing new to report on the family front, though I do suppose this does put a bow on all things family until such time as I have one of my own.
As for other interpersonal dealings, there are surprisingly few. I've seen Samantha only twice since the surgery, both time while I was on oxy. She's got some new guy in her life, so per usual I'm expecting to hear from her only once that relationship ends. I understand the phone works both ways, but I've danced this dance before and I'm not going to be the source of more drama between her and whatever redneck she's dug out of the forest up there. Seems some people can't grasp a man and woman being friends and not having intimate relations. Two ex's have jumped back into the picture briefly, albeit for two totally different reasons. J moved back to Florida, to DeLand of all places, and has since felt the need to email me weekly about how much she and her new thing (a chemistry professor at the private university there) love living together and are so exceedingly happy. I've blocked her email addy on every account I have other than the UF one, only since there is no blocking feature there. I instead report every email she sends me as spam. Honestly I really don't care about her anymore, but her need to continue to contact me is troubling. She is now the 4th (no shit) ex of mine to move to DeLand. B and another J live there, and K moved there after getting married last year. I say they can have the place, I didn't like it anyway. Larin is back in the picture for a brief moment because her mother died two weeks ago. She texted me a few times over the past few days about it, but I have yet to respond because I'm just not sure it's appropriate for me to be in contact with her any longer. Things didn't break cleanly between her and I, so there was this lingering feeling of still dating her even though we weren't together any longer. It was a little tough last summer not even having her as a friend, since we were friends for so long (12 years), but this is for the best. And the short thing this past summer/fall between K2 and I was really over before it began, and I have no contact with her any longer whatsoever.
And I'm not even getting into the drama with T and her issues. That's a whole other day's worth of typing.
What I need is a few new friends.
And what I got is a new girlfriend. Yes, you read that correctly. Mr. Emotionally Unavailable is dating. Her name is Laura. How we met is irrelevant, but the meat and potatoes is that we've been seeing each other about two months now, and I've loved every minute of it. She lives in Pinellas County which means I get to drive 2 hours each way to see her. So not only is she wonderful, but I get to do my favorite thing in the world every time we have a date. I have no doubt there will be a lot more to update on about her in the near term, so I'm not going to over labor it now. The basics: she's taller than I am by about an inch and change, (what's it with me and tall women?) she's intelligent, witty, funny, has a penchant for giving me shit, (which you know I can't resist) and best of all I can actually have meaningful conversation with her. She's a math teacher for a local high school. I've met her mom and her best friend, both of whom have given their blessing for our continued relationship. This is big for me, since you know my hesitance for meeting significant people in other's lives, as I have an ability to make myself unpopular. Not that I've ever been disliked by a parent (well, except Ginny). I just get nervous about the whole thing. And then say or do something stupid. And then get myself in trouble. Happens all the time. Speaking of which, B&T say that I'm "retarded" for this girl. I find it an interesting choice of words, since every time Laura and I are together I end up saying or doing something completely embarrassing, which of course gives her joy for days while she makes fun of me. While I enjoy the attention from her, I feel like I'm never quite getting it right. Only time will tell, but you'd figure a guy would learn sooner or later what not to do. Well, not me. I have about a million things to say about her, but you're no doubt getting sick of my gushing already.
I guess I'll just have to see where this one heads. I have an idea, but I'm not allowed to talk about it yet. :P
And I haven't even mentioned sports, yet... Kidding, I'm kidding...