Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki x Tatsumi, Theme A : Pride

Jul 01, 2006 16:18

Pairing:Tsuzuki x Tatsumi/Tsuzuki x Hisoka?
Author:blue_emotion a.k.a me.

Tatsumi smiles slightly as he observes Tsuzuki and Hisoka through his office window. They’ve just returned from a job and are arguing about something. Tsuzuki’s smiles are far more genuine these days. He watches as the older shinigami ruffles his younger partner’s hair and receives a glare in return, causing him to chuckle slightly.

He remembers what Tsuzuki used to be like after a job, his eyes closing sadly for a moment at the images of the broken man he’d been unable to fix, or even partly mend.

There are days when he still feels disgusted with himself for deserting his purple eyed friend when he’d needed him the most, and there are days when he feels it has been for the best in grand scheme of things; Hisoka has proven to be a far more suitable companion for him… However despite his varying mindset regarding the end of their partnership he always feels one emotion when he sees Tsuzuki’s smile these days, pride. Pride that the man has pulled himself out of the depths of the deepest Hell, and is working desperately hard at building himself some form of life…and, judging on the smile that lights up his face when Hisoka pokes his arm affectionately, it seemed to be working.

It saddens Tatsumi that Tsuzuki couldn’t find that happiness with him, but he knows their time together had been a time in Tsuzuki’s life when he wouldn’t allow himself any happiness, and so they had been doomed from the start, even if Tsuzuki hadn’t realised it back then.

Tatsumi stiffens as Tsuzuki looks up and sees him watching them through the glass and smiles cheerfully at him, he offers the man a quick smile in return before walking briskly away from the window.

As long as Tsuzuki is happy he doesn’t mind being just an observer.

yami no matsuei, pride/vanity, theme a-seven deadly sins, tsuzuki/tatsumi

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