Aug 02, 2004 15:33
nfinty24601 [2:30 PM]: 7-7-7?
JeeCoVan [2:30 PM]: yes!
JeeCoVan [2:30 PM]: how are you?
Infinty24601 [2:30 PM]: ..wicked good.
JeeCoVan [2:30 PM]: did you go to the show on sat?
Infinty24601 [2:30 PM]: did you make the show?
JeeCoVan [2:30 PM]: nope.
Infinty24601 [2:30 PM]: YEAH I FUCKING DID. x.X
Infinty24601 [2:30 PM]: oh :( pity.
Infinty24601 [2:30 PM]: Daryl was there
JeeCoVan [2:30 PM]: i missed it. it's as if saturnday never happened.
DAMN! i missed dayrl! that SUCKS!
Infinty24601 [2:31 PM]: ..-pet pet-
Infinty24601 [2:31 PM]: maybe the next one.
Infinty24601 [2:31 PM]: I'm going to try to get to as many as i can
Infinty24601 [2:31 PM]: I didn't even get caught this time goin ^^
JeeCoVan [2:31 PM]: when is the next one?
JeeCoVan [2:31 PM]: wht do you mean "get caught"?
Infinty24601 [2:32 PM]: My dad never knows i go to concerts ^^
Infinty24601 [2:32 PM]: I dunno when the next one is.
JeeCoVan [2:32 PM]: i'll probably go to the next one. if it happens. but damn, i'm so upset that i missed daryl.
Infinty24601 [2:32 PM]: I'm just going to go.
Infinty24601 [2:32 PM]: He's been squatting in NJ for the past couple of weeks.
Infinty24601 [2:32 PM]: or thats what the kid said x.X
Infinty24601 [2:32 PM]: He's coming through RI in like a week. because his brother an dhim are going to maine.
JeeCoVan [2:33 PM]: i need to see him while he's still in jersey. damn, i guess i should have gone to the show. no, nevermind that, it didn't happen for a reason. i don't think that i was meant to go...if i was, i would've went.
Infinty24601 [2:34 PM]: ..why didn't you make it?
Infinty24601 [2:34 PM]: Dude.. though i'm rather excited that i FINALLY have a copy of ES
Infinty24601 [2:35 PM]: .. Scare bears were pretty good too.
JeeCoVan [2:35 PM]: i just didn't. i was home all day, taking care of stuff at my house, doing my hair, waiting for my girlfriend to make it back so that we could go together. and i just wasn't ready.
Infinty24601 [2:35 PM]: and Dollhaus
Infinty24601 [2:35 PM]: phill= soo cute
JeeCoVan [2:35 PM]: yeah, i wanted to see all those bands. but, oh well.
JeeCoVan [2:35 PM]: there'll always be a next time.
JeeCoVan [2:36 PM]: and if there isn't, then that's just life.
Infinty24601 [2:36 PM]: yeah
Infinty24601 [2:36 PM]: I'm actually trying to get to CT to see the scarebears for saturday
Infinty24601 [2:36 PM]: going to make a corset.
JeeCoVan [2:36 PM]: who else is playing with them?
Infinty24601 [2:36 PM]: Because everyone loved the bouncage of my boobs the other day ^^
Infinty24601 [2:37 PM]: .. pfft i haven't a clue
JeeCoVan [2:37 PM]: do you have pictures of saturnday?
Infinty24601 [2:37 PM]: .. no I got it taped..
Infinty24601 [2:38 PM]: well the PTG concert part of it
Infinty24601 [2:38 PM]: it craps out for like 10 seconds though x.X
Infinty24601 [2:40 PM]: .. I think for the next show..
Infinty24601 [2:40 PM]: I'm going to paint myself gold x.X
Infinty24601 [2:40 PM]: i want to get like.. a whole bunch of people gold..
Infinty24601 [2:40 PM]: but.. meeh
JeeCoVan [2:43 PM]: it will be fun
Infinty24601 [2:43 PM]: .. if you are there.. will you go in gold?
Infinty24601 [2:43 PM]: with me?
JeeCoVan [2:43 PM]: maybe silver.
Infinty24601 [2:43 PM]: .. o0o
Infinty24601 [2:44 PM]: gold and silver
Infinty24601 [2:44 PM]: someone can be metallic blue too!!
JeeCoVan [2:48 PM]: oh my god! that sounds so cool! i hope they play again within the next copule of weeks, my hair is done, so i'd like to go out with it.
Infinty24601 [2:49 PM]: ^^
JeeCoVan [2:49 PM]: i'll be right back, i'm at work.
Infinty24601 [2:49 PM]: you me and Regina should paint ourselves.
Infinty24601 [2:49 PM]: ok.. x.X
JeeCoVan [2:53 PM]: that sounds like fun. hey, do you have a pic, and a lj account?
Infinty24601 [2:53 PM]: LJ- asorbic_acid
Infinty24601 [2:53 PM]: pic:
Infinty24601 [2:54 PM]: TheDee Infinty24601 [2:55 PM]: i <3 that pic
JeeCoVan [2:56 PM]: mine is 7_seven_7 and 7_7_7 lj.
JeeCoVan [2:56 PM]: i have 2.
Infinty24601 [2:56 PM]: i know ^^
JeeCoVan [2:57 PM]: oh my god! you're so cute!!!
Infinty24601 [2:57 PM]: I can't get on LJ on my computer.. b/c it sucks my beef
Infinty24601 [2:57 PM]: ..x.X
Infinty24601 [2:57 PM]: really?
JeeCoVan [2:57 PM]: yeah!
Infinty24601 [2:57 PM]: thank you ^^
Infinty24601 [2:57 PM]: Dude.. at the show..
Infinty24601 [2:57 PM]: Regina.. and I act so much the same.. x.X
Infinty24601 [2:57 PM]: I think I'm a snow white in training
JeeCoVan [3:02 PM]: tht's cool. snow white and the 7 minions.
Infinty24601 signed off at 3:02 PM