(no subject)

Apr 22, 2012 02:23

The picture post was from yesterday...

I'm gonna dye my hair red tomorrow. :) using henna.. Only going to use half a packet because my hair is so short now. Then when it fades I can due it again. Currently in bed, not asleep obvs :P I should be though. I might be going out driving withy dad tomorrow in the moors carpark.. That's where we went last time.. :) need to practise for Anthony. Bay park, left corner reverse and turn In the road, also clutch control. There's a hill leading up the the carpark do I'll probabs practice on that. Went to the new Asda today in Worcester :) it's lovely an kinda weird too.. I brought a flamingo top ;P gonna go now.. Need to get up on the morn.. Lots to do as well. I'm kinda glad I'm not going to the American football tomorrow for the SJA duty. Right I'm off.. Toodles xxxxxxx

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