Jul 15, 2004 23:32
ya well today.... i uhh woke up around.....9:30 and let's see i started to watch music videos.... but then i had to help my mom PACK. ergg! i don't wanna move... this sucks monkey balls! :( neways after that i took a shower... and then hung outside with matt and tawni. they're both cool...( they're punk!) and we hung out at matt's house and listened to the casualties.... andother punk bands.
and then i came home and got ready for this play that hesse and i were going to see! carson cooper was in it..... and ya he played a tornado survivor..... he had a cool kansas accent! yay go cooper..... but ya after the play he didn't want to talk to me so he decided to just say hi and then go and talk to kurdy. but it's all good.... i only came to the play to watch him since he wanted me to.... but w/e. o ya and hesse would like yell woo! ya gangsta! go sucka! and stuff while everyone else was like else was like yelling wooo hooo! and clapping like non-stop! and stuff. it was like all good.... besides the whole carson thing. but w/e i love apples peaches and mangos! those fruits are like the best! neways ya i also like glaciers! u know like the ones that they have in like the cold areas in the world? ya well that was random.
i did my makeup like totally differently today. it's like dark brown and green! it's pretty cool.
my dad comes home finally tonight! yay! i was getting kind of tired of it just being me my brother, and two sisters, and only my mom. but now that my dad is going to be home he might not let me go anywhere.... but he'll give me more money!
o ya hesse konishi and i might hit aarons tomorrow! after seeing a cinderella story... can u come konishi?
o ya konishi wanna see disabled youth...( it's a punl band) they're playing on saturday at the something cafe'? well hesse and i MIGHT go. so ya... just give me a jingle.
neways i am like super hyper... but i am also listening to depressing songs! :(!
" i've been searching for, a i heart who needs a heart like mine.........................................
there's one in this world for everyone, one heart, one soul. to walk beside u. one in this life u share ur love, one touch, to touch the heart inside u. when i reach for night. when i trust with ur life...that's when i believe ur the one, ur the one in this world for me..."
i love this song!
<3 frannie.....
ta ta