same ol crap!

Oct 25, 2004 20:21

let's see my day was pretty much the same ol typical monday. went to school... showed ppl my photo shoot pictures, came home, got something to eat, started to go hw but then got distracted. and that's about it... oh ya i ate some strawberries dunked in chocolate.( chocolate's a girls best friend.. well besides shopping.) newho.... hmm.....ya my day pretty much sucked.
have u ever wanted to tell someone that u liked them but were afraid of the outcome?
well it's just a thought or a question of mine.
hmm..... today i wore lipstick and it didn't wear off! yippy for me!
seminary was kind of boring today.... idk

my parents aren't home and they took all of my younger siblings with them so i have to house all to myself! yay! *runs around the house naked* (kidding)

oh today i was wearing bryce monkey's hat... and i felt like all gangsta. it was way cool.... well in a weird type of way.
hmm test in summers... which i think i didn't do too well on. i haven't started my project for hendricks or for webb... which are both due on the same day so it kind of sucks donkey dick for me.

i talked to my friend hesse.... about our love lives. it was a VERY interesting conversation. man i miss that chick! hmm i'm gonna be visiting cali. in nov. or dec. yay! and hesse and konishi will be coming up for my church's new year's dance ( it's gonna be great fun!)

well i will update later or tomorrow or whenever. u guys should check out ur horoscopes! lol mine are ALWAYS true! go to and ya....
well i see ttyl people.

au revoir sexies and hotties!
call me : 398-4727!
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