Title: Laundry Duty
miss_auto1621Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters/Pairing: Edward E. & Winry R.
Prompt 52: Lingerie; undergarments/6: Lust
Word count: 1,752
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I don't own FMA or the challenge. Just the ideas that sprout from the plotline!
Part of LiveJournal's
101_kisses and
7_deadly_sins challenges
Summary: He wondered if she grew a cup when he found the bra in the laundry basket. She used to be so plain, but he realized that she had grown up. And so had he. Post Manga.
Warning: I was able to keep it to a T rate with this one, but if you don't act mature while reading this, you will have pervy thoughts rolling around. Remember, T rated.
Winry loved to give the boys chores.