Off LimitsAuthor:
Auto-Alchemechanicist (miss_auto1621)
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters/Pairing: Edward Elric & Winry Rockbell
GreedWord Count: 1,388
Rating: K+
Genre: Friendship/General
Disclaimer: Arakawa owns the whole thing. I just like playing with her characters in a way that they don’t get hurt (too much).
Author's Notes: Dedicated to Vanessa for sparking the idea, and to my beta causmicfire! Somewhat mangaverse. Excuse some language. Mostly Winry-centric. Hint hint on EdxWinry.
Part of LiveJournal’s 7 Deadly Sins challenge!
Summary: Winry never realized there could be other girls out there that went crazy for Ed’s automail.