Oct 10, 2005 22:38
I think it's really funny when I turn on MTV and I see the girls on "Sweet 16" acting so stuck up and bitchy. It's really ridiculous. I think I'm the average girl, and you really don't accomplish much by being a snobby little bitch. I guess that's the reason I have more friends and I'm happier than most girls who have "privledged" lives; I honestly treat all people the same. I could just write down here that I'm richer and better than you all because my Dad is a mega-millionaire, but it's so unnecessary. I really wish I could punch one of those girls in the face. If Dad and Mom EVER caught Chris and I treating people with disrespect or any kind of attitude out of the way they would take EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING from us.
These girls have nothing on me anyways, especially the one on "Sweet 16" today. I drive a Mercedes CLK500 too, babydoll. GET OVER YOURSELF! Another thing, their parents my have money, but my Daddy is in control of it (Banking CFO!)
Anyways, as you all can see I'm not that kind of girl. I do brag about what I have, but in all honesty; WHO GIVES A DAMN? There are many girls just like the girls on televison around here. A little advice to you girls who don't have exactly what they have, "Just ignore them, they really don't have it; it's their parents. Most rich people are miserable because all they do is buy stuff, but they have no love and happiness; which is the reason they buy so much."
On the other hand, I'm going to Los Angeles to visit the USC campus. I'm really excited about it. I've already been accepted, I just want to get another tour of the campus and make sure it's really the place I want to be before I just go there next fall. If I don't like USC I will probably go to Princeton (I went to elementary and middle school at Princeton Day School, kinda like an alumni thing), or The University of Texas (GO HORNS!)