Hey this is for all the Incubus fans,have you heard this song its called pantomime.It was an unrealeased track its been out for some time now
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nope. havn't heard N.E.thing like dat. i havn't evn heard of Incubus (well not til u told me bout 'em)! i guess i jus don't listen 2 rock enough. but i went 2 sum Incubus website 2day & i kno who they r now i guess. but i couldn't listen 2 N.E of their songs cuz my speakers rn't wrkin right now & i don't kno where my other speakers r. lol. o & Brandon REALLLLLY needs 2 keep his shirt on. lol.
So you find brandon hott then.lol.everyone does.thats who everyone thinks I look like.I think I have some similar features but not a clone.I can sing like him to for some reason.I 've been in some bands and everytime I sing for my band they say I sound like the dude from Incubus.but anyways so whats your love life like?whats your history with guys?you are thirteen right?'cause you act mature for your age.
Brandon's kinda hot, but i'd much rather c Usher w/his shirt off than Brandon anytime! lol. Usher is so HOT! & he has a 6-pack, HOT! Brandon...not so much, lol. N.E.wayz, let's c, my luv life... OMG, loooooong story! i'll e-mail u about it.
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