Another day, another novel from Johnny. Sigh. There's so much there it's hard to comment on it.
The main points:
1. His depression after Nats sounds so, so bad. Poor baby. For some reason I hoped thought that after all his previous trials/dramas/tribulations he'd handle it better, but that sounds really, really bad. I'm so glad he has such a strong support system. He takes everything so personally, and reacts to everything so deeply, he really needs people out there to pull him out of his head, and shield him a little from the world.
2. Koreans are awesome. That is all.
3. Why does Paris have a car seat at the back of Johnny's SUV?! Those two are on crack, there is no other explanation.
4. His need to organize his clothes/shoes before anything else can happen in his life or he'll freak, so pathological. Johnny will make some therapist very, very rich some day. LOL
5. He sounds like he's in a really good mood now. I mean, he finds positive things to say about USFSA, that's a good mood! I am also intrigued/amused by the "shocking" and "very sexual" end to his short he going to orgasm on the ice at the end or something?! I guess they decided to go all out for the PCS this season.
6. Can't wait for the new exhibition. I love that song!