Title: He's Crafty
Fandom: Inuyasha
Characters: Miroku
Claim: Inuyasha Gen.
Prompt: The Magician
Word Count: 1157
Rating: PG
Summary: The ever crafty monk Miroku is tied into doing some actual work...but it has it's rewards!
Miroku snuggled under the blankets in the room of the expensive inn. He had really out done any other scam this time. How the hell was he supposed to know the inn keeper's daughter was really possessed by a demon?
His day began normally, being chased out of a village by the village leader because he bedded one of his daughters. That broom to the head delivered by some random old hag hurt like hell.
He had managed to eat breakfast with a farmer whose fields he "blessed". Not bad until he found out which village the man hailed from then he was on the run once again with the old farmer on his heels bearing a rake.
Somehow he had managed to escape the little old man injury free.
Noon rolled around fairly quickly, he came upon another village, with one of those oh so common 'ominous evil clouds' hovering over it.
Time to play.
After he greeted the young and beautiful village maidens.
Making his way through the village, he was hired by various residents and merchants to bless one thing or another. Fair amount of money in hand, he found the nearest brothel. Kohanna was very beautiful, quite generous; he ws generous in return.
A now happier man, he prowled the village streets in search of a victim. As he passed by a swanky, by this village's standards, inn a portly man ran out. "Houshi-sama! Houshi-sama!" he called. "Please wait!"
Miroku turned. "How may I help you, kind sir?"
The little man began to wring his cubby hands. "My daughter is acting strange! I fear she may be in the clutches of a vile demon!"
Miroku tried to suppress his grin. "Well, there is an evil cloud of evil hanging over your inn. In exchange I must ask for a room to rest. I am aftera ll but a poor traveling monk."
"Yes, yes, anything," the man nodded. "Please help my daughter!"
Of course, he expected a mild problem like mood swings because of her monthly, so he was quite obviously shocked to see the girl in the owner's living quarters burning her hand with a candle.
The inn keeper, concerned for his child's safety, ran to her and attempted to snatch the candle away. As soon as he was in arms reach she back handed him. "Stay away! Disgusting man!"
The poor little man looked shattered. "Please, kind monk, return my sweet and gentle Fuu to me. It pains me to see my beautiful daughter like this."
Miroku looked at the girl once more. She had resumed the burning of her tiny hand. He started to formulate a plan. Reaching into his robe, he produced a handfull of ofuda, hoping his plan worked the way he anticipated. His gaze moved to the inn keeper. "It might be in your best interest to leave the room, sir. This could get ugly." He nodded to him as he left the room and slid the door shut.
"Ok, Fuu, please make this easy for me..."
After a quick scuffle, he emerged from the room, covered in wax from Fuu's candle. "I require something!" he said to the inn keeper, a bit out of breath.
The old man nodded vigorously. "Yes, anything kind monk!"
"Sake! I need sake!" Suddenly a cup of sake was in front of him; just as quickly he downed it. "Another!" This time he returned to the room and snuck up on the girl.
He poured the contents of the cup on Fuu's head. "Demon be gone!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. The last thing he expected was for the drenched girl to fly from the spot and tackle hi.
"Oh crap."
The two rolled back and forth over the dirty floor, both fighting for control. With the added strength of the demon she nearly overpowered him a couple of times. Finally he managed to pin her with the aid of his staff.
"Filthy human! Unhand me!" Fuu screached, her voice nearly reaching ear splitting decibles.
Miroku took the time to look in the girl's eyes. They had a milky film over them giving her a far away look. "This is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you." A resounding slap sounded as he smacked an ofuda on the girl's head and started chanting.
Fuu began thrashing, holy power driving the demon out. Miroku tried his best to restrain her, but she managed to throw him off. She thrashed more, tried to pull the ofuda from her forehead. With one last grunt, the girl lost conciousness; a white cloud flowing out of her mouth and out the open window.
He sighed in relief. This had been the most difficult in a while. Miroku cautiously crawled over to the girl to see if she was ok. She was still breathing normally, her heart was beating. He took a moment to relax.
There was a knock at the door. "Houshi-sama! Houshi-sama! Are you alright? Is Fuu alright??" The inn keeper barged in the room. "Fuu!" he cried and ran to his daughter. "Fuu! My darling!" He shook the girl.
Suddenly she began to stir. She opeened her eyes, which were once again sparkling brown. "Father?" Fuu blinked. "Father!" She sat up and threw herself into her father's arms. "It was horrible!"
Then she looked to Miroku, who looked a little worse for wear. "Thank you for helping me."
Miroku just nodded in reply before leaning against the wall and closing his eyes. He didn't even hear the inn keeper call for maids until he was being helped up and nearly dragged to a room.
The bath had been great, especially since the poor maid bathing him couldn't stop blushing at his naked form. He was good though, but it took all of the self control the monk had. Just because he was extremely confident in his sexuality didn't mean the poor maid was.
Fresh and clean, he snuggled under the many blankets he had requested. He was nearly asleep when he heard the door slide open. "Miroku-sama?" A dark head poked into the room.
"Fuu?" he questioned.
Fuu shut the door behind her and crawled to the futon he lay on, her yukata sliding open further and further whith every little movement she made. "I wanted to thank you personally for getting rid of that demon," she purred.
She was practically on top of him when he saw how heavily bandaged her burned hand was. When she straddled his hips he gently grabbed it. "Does it hurt that bad?" he asked quietly.
He instantly wanted to take it back when the girl on top of him pouted, but smiled slightly at the spark of mirth in her eyes. "Kiss it better?"
Mirou couldn't stop the grin. His day just got a hell of a lot better.
"Awww..." he cooed. "Baby's got a boo boo." He gently presed his lips on the bandaged hand. "I'm also a healer. Do you have any other wounds?"
Fuu pouted again. "You have no idea."
"Why don't you show me?"