Feb 14, 2003 18:43
Today has been the weirdest valentines day ever. Not exciting, mind you...just weird. Got to wake up to a math test first thing in the morning on a friday...who doesnt love that. Then proceeded to leave school and get a country ham biscut and max n relax for a while before I had to be back for english class. When I get to english class my teacher is like, "how is your valentines day going", to which I respond, "as good as i could have expected it to go...". Then she laughs at me and tells me all about how valentines day is a big conspiracy by the hallmark corporation to make money in the down times. I love it. Leave it to a woman in her fifties whose never been married and is wise beyond my wildest dreams to understand the stupidness of valentines day. Well after english class (which consisted of a whopping 2 people today), I cruised on over to trask to kick it with ms whiteside. Well ive been doing auditions for my show all week, and there was some girl who wanted an audition and was able to come do it yesterday so ms whiteside is like "she wants to audition, you two go do it in the bathroom." yeah, theres a big ass bathroom in her class for some reason. well, the 'go do it' thing had the entire class laughing it up already, then we go in there, shut the door, and get the show started. Shes doing this monologue for me that is all about how this guy loves beethoven so much and hes all screaming and yelling and shit. very exultant. Well of course everyone in the class is already laughin it up about us "doin it in the bathroom", then i swear this girl starts screaming at the top of her lungs- "HALLEUJAH! WHOOOO-HOOO! LORD!!". We walk out and everyone is fuckin in stiches laughing...and all these girls are like "david, can i have a private audition?" hahah...highlight of my day. So now Im here...by myself eating cookies that my mom gave me. I think im gonna go hit the town and try to wash away my sorrows with substance abuse. A wonderful end to a less than fantastic day.