[For the Winchester Brothers] Not Doing a Lunatic Dance Yet...

May 25, 2011 23:42

Continued from Here Titus tilts his head a bit and rises as Dean stands up. "Your brother knows much about this matter of trouble? He would not think me mad once I described to him these frightening circumstances?" he asks. Considering the kind of hereditary madness that seems to run through the Groan line, it's likely something he's concerned ( Read more... )

who: dean winchester, who: sam winchester, !back-dated, !closed post

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surfaceshine June 24 2011, 00:44:32 UTC
Okay, lead or not, that shit needs addressed. Dean is drawn up short when he sees Sam's running gear about to be put to use, features clouding for just a moment.

"Dude, are you stupid?" No, wait, not the time for a fight; and besides, if Dean can distract Sam with talking to Titus, the nimwit can't go A.) Aggravating his injuries by taking a page from Dean's book of physical therapy and B.) right back where the problem started to begin with and C.) Giving Dean another heart attack or three. The hunter flaps a hand, forcibly taking that baby step back from Asshole Mode to Professional Mode again, hoping Sam will let him dismiss it; they can discuss why Sam's running shoes are in the toilet later, after Dean has had a chance to try to flush them.

"Never mind. This is... huh." Dean glances over his shoulder to motion Titus in and doesn't see him at first, not until he twists to look and finds the smaller man... could that be considered cowering? Dean steps to the side and raises both eyebrows at him. "I actually didn't get your name, but c'mon in. This is my brother Sam, and I'm Dean, and I think we can all help each other. Pop a squat on the bed there, if you want - or there's a chair there."

Titus has probably never seen a cheap but comfortable modern American hotel room with two queen-sized beds; he can get an eyeful now, though.


precognitioning June 25 2011, 04:46:47 UTC
"...no?" Is Sam's response, mostly because yeah, Dean, like you can go talking. :| And, well, isn't. Sort of. Also because it was the only answer he thought of right off the bat.

And meta!Sam is hiding his running shoes thank you, there are not many possessions here and he'd like to keep those. Meanwhile, though, Sam lets it slide with one okay, what was that look, like a clueless idiot, and steps back. "Nah, you're fine," he says to Titus. Sam goes back - gingerly, okay - and sits back down on the bed, giving Dean a curious expression out of the corner of his eye.

"Okay, so. What's this about?"


77th_earl June 25 2011, 05:32:34 UTC
"I am Titus Groan, formerly of Gormenghast," Titus replies. "I was attacked by some unseen demon which tried to force my hand into harming myself, and your...companion tells me that the two of you know how to shield a man against more attacks such as this?"


surfaceshine June 26 2011, 01:01:09 UTC
Dean wasn't the one out running, alone, when the wolves attacked him, thank you very much, Sam; and he will defend his decision to go in looking for Sam to his dying breath, which both of them should be well aware of by this point.

He might be the one wandering all over the mansion with a torn up thigh, though. Maybe. Moving on - look, a demon!

Dean meets Sam's curious glance with raised eyebrows, they might even be described as part and parcel to a gloating expression if Dean weren't so lethally focused on this newest development. It's that side, the hunter side, that studies Titus for a moment before swapping to settle on his brother as Dean finds a seat for himself on his own bed.

"I found the kid here in the kitchen, trying to buzz himself awake on tea and nerves. Which, I might add -" Dean points a stern finger at Titus in passing, tagging a lighter tone in like the old hand he is at using humor to deflect serious situations. "- is going to keep you up all night pissing like a racehorse but not much else."

Back to Sam.

"Told me he was writing a letter to a friend of his that ain't in this world anymore - you've heard about people disappearing, right? Back to their own worlds, supposedly? Yeah, like that. - and hears this voice claiming it did it. Then the hand thing." Dean mimes stabbing his own hand with an invisible instrument in the opposite for Sam's benefit, since he's glossing. He punctuates it by twitching both eyebrows slightly higher, apparently concluding his argument that this is their kind of thing, and then smiling broadly, reassuringly, back at Titus.


precognitioning June 27 2011, 05:08:23 UTC
Hush, says Sam. Still alive, isn't he? ...perhaps that's not the best argument to use. MOVING ON TO DEMONS.

Sam puts his elbows on his knees, carefully, after waving a hand at Dean in an 'okay, okay, so you win' sort of gestures. "Yeah, that'd be the kind of thing we could help with," he says, after listening to the description with a raised eyebrow. "Though - are we taking that claim at face value?" That to Dean, before to Titus, "Did anything else happen during this whole thing? Lights, smells, noises...anything might be important."

Already starting ticking on this. Yep.


77th_earl June 27 2011, 22:39:49 UTC
"I neither saw nor smelled nothing beyond the usual sights and scents of my chamber," Titus replies. "You do not think that I am going mad, do you?" he asks, worried. He knows his father had gone mad and thought himself an owl before he vanished, and he wonders if it is at all possible that he could have fallen victim to the same illness. "You do not think that I could be so aggrieved at the loss of my friend that I might have lost some grip on my wits?"


surfaceshine June 28 2011, 05:17:47 UTC
"Well. It's possible," replies Dean, reasonably, though he doesn't sound convinced. His lips purse, tilting his head thoughtfully as he considers Titus, then glances over at Sam.

"Dunno. This whole place is whacked out. Couldn't hurt, though - usually hurts more when we don't assume the worst." Dean shrugs, returning his attention to Titus.

"No offense, 'cause I might be the crazy one, but you don't seem torn up enough about the whole thing to fall off the gourd. Okay, writing letters to people who ain't here? Little weird, but I'd expect more clothes-rending an' hair-ripping if you were all that bad off." He tilts his head the other way, tries to sound less brisk. "It's possible this ain't what we're used to dealing with, but you ain't crazy just because you're thinking someone talked to you and then moved your hand. We've seen it before. It happens, sometimes."


precognitioning June 30 2011, 04:02:20 UTC
"True," Sam allows, chewing on the inside of his lip. "Huh. So probably not your classic demon, right?" He says to Dean, before looking back at Titus. "Personally? No, I don't think you're insane. Can you think of anything else about what happened, though? Maybe-" He glances over at Dean, not quite nervously. "Maybe tell me what happened, from the beginning. Just so I can hear it from the horse's mouth."

Not that he doesn't think you're good at this or something! No! Not going that direction!

(He may be a little obscurely paranoid in the Dean direction at the moment.)


77th_earl July 2 2011, 03:19:34 UTC
"It is not an easy tale to tell: I was in my room, putting pen to paper in order to write a letter of farewell to my friend Ahiru, a girl who had been almost as a younger sister to me. Master de Bergerac had recommended that I write it in order to ease my spirits," Titus relates.

"I had paused, wondering how this could have happened, how she could have vanished, and I tried to take comfort in the thought that perhaps she had merely found her way home to her own world. But then a voice spoke out of the darkness of the room, an unpleasant voice, which claimed that it had taken her. I challenged the voice, telling it to unhand her. It mocked me and I gave it an angry retort: instead it laughed at me, and that is when my hand moved as if pulled by invisible strings which another controlled. My hand opened a drawer of the desk and drew out a paper knife, which it started to stab toward my free hand. But somehow, by an act of the will, I forced my hand to obey me and I dropped the paper knife.

"After that, I could not bear to be solitary any longer, nor could I bear to sleep in case I should dream something horrible, and so I descended to the kitchen where your companion discovered me."


surfaceshine July 3 2011, 00:56:45 UTC
Dean shrugs at Sam the first time - it's been a while since they've dealt with "classic" demons, so he wouldn't be at all surprised, and he doesn't seem to be now. He, too, looks back at Titus - when Sam casts another, weirder glance at him, he's met with a raised eyebrow from Dean, but it's pure and simple puzzlement. It's a weird vibe he's picking up from his brother, not from Titus, and his eyes switch back to the other man to give him his attention but, uncharacteristically, the elder hunter doesn't add anything.

He's glad of the extra details, too, and when Titus finishes up, Dean not only corrects casually - "Brother." - because if that doesn't get out there, people tend to think the wrong things; but he also cocks his head slightly to one side and seeks clarification. "The voice came from somewhere in the room? Like, you heard someone speaking to you?" Beat. "Not inside your head?"

He'd glanced doubtfully to Sam at an act of will - there were only two people Dean had ever met that had been able to overpower being possessed by a demon by sheer act of will, and it had taken far more incentive than stabbing themselves in the hand with a letter opener to do it.


precognitioning July 7 2011, 05:38:55 UTC
Sam nods minutely at that glance, in silent agreement that he has his own doubts about possession, between the description and Titus' ability to break free of it at all. His ears have also perked up at the same detail Dean noticed.

(In his own head, Sam is just observing that he is no longer assuming that 'de Bergerac' is the historical one, and that this is probably a bad sign.)


77th_earl July 7 2011, 05:45:43 UTC
Titus shakes his head. "Nay, the voice came from without, as if some invisible man had crept into the room and had started to mock my grief," he replies.

He looks from one to the other, concerned, even worried, hoping that this makes sense to the both of them and that he isn't confusing them, or weakening his case for his sanity.


surfaceshine July 7 2011, 05:59:42 UTC
"Huh." Dean sits back a bit from his reflexive lean to brace his elbows on his knees where he's sitting on the edge of his bed, features thoughtful. He doesn't look in the least confused, at least not with the basic premise of Titus's tale. He looks like he's flipping through a mental rolodex of possibilities - which is exactly what he's doing.

"And you're sure you didn't smell anything? Nothing like rotten eggs, or... like... you know how everything smells after a bad storm? Nothing like that, not even a little? Take a second and think about it." He glances at Sam, giving the slightest shrug; he doesn't know.


precognitioning July 9 2011, 05:57:32 UTC
Definitely chewing on his lip now, and Sam makes a brief move as if to get up and pace, but it's quickly aborted with a slight wince. Not the time for pacing, perhaps. He doesn't want Dean to get worried about anything, not if he wants to make a campaign for getting out of the house at all in the near future.

Sam watches Titus with one eye, and mouths at Dean, Some kind of spirit manifestation? Vague, but it could be somewhere to start. Maybe.


77th_earl July 9 2011, 06:02:40 UTC
He pauses, thinking for a long moment, then shakes his head, lifting his hands in a small shrug. "Nay, I smelled nothing out of the ordinary, nothing except the damp of that night, since it was a rather close and muggy one."


surfaceshine July 10 2011, 02:50:19 UTC
Dean doesn't look at Sam, not directly, but he both nods and gives the signature worth a shot shrug. More obviously, he nods to Titus and mentally ticks off the box beside the next question on his Find Out What This Is list.

"How long you been in that room?" If he hasn't been there long it might be a thing with the room; if he's been there quite some time, that's not as likely.


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