Mar 01, 2009 22:34
So, am I the only one that feels a little guilty that I am not more interesting on livejournal? I feel like, 'hey I have this page and I'm not doing anything with it'? Am I dissapointing my hypothetical public by not sharing every little detail of my life? Or am I a boring person that thinks he's interesting only to be proven wrong everytime I post?
So I am mildly and unspecifically unsatisfied. I find that this mood has a smell, which is to say that when I feel this way, I smell something I cannot identify. It is a bland smell and I am pretty sure it is some sort of olfactory hallucination. I doubt that someone has been shadowing me my entire life with an atomizer of 'eau de ennui', just waiting me for me to be bored and restless.