[1]Name: The Shark
[2]Age: Born when Bowie’s hair was red
[3]Sex: evidence below
[4]Current Location: the low side of LaLaLand
[5]Marital Stats: Swinger
[6]Top 10 favorite 77 bands:
The Stranglers
Cafe Jacques
Talking Heads
The Boomtown Rats
Ian Dury & the Blockheads
[7]What shows have you been to? Not many...uh..Pistols, Who, Buzzcocks, Hugh Cornwell
[8]Are you in involved in your local scene? How?: na
[9]When did you Start Getting into 77? During the last summer that no one knew of Gary Oldman
[13]One Song that Represents YOU? “Staying Alive”
[14]Other than 77 What Else are you into? name atleast non 77 bands. Prog, Philly, Rupert Holmes, 1976, 1978, 1981, adult contemporary, smooth jazz
....Your Own Opinions:....
-Who was the Best and Worst band in 77 or Related Era: best: The Stranglers; worst: Eater
-One Person You Admire The MOST in era: John Miles (looked like James Dean, sounded like ELO)
-What did you Dislike and Liked about the Era: Dislike: American FM/AOR-format radio; Like: everything else
-What Do you Think about these People, How much Are they a influence to 77, How Important They are in YOUR life, and Last Name some bands that Are Influenced by these Guys and Gals:
Sue Catwoman: Wild hair (hope she thanked Split Enz)
Johnny thunders: glad the glams gone out of him
Sid Vicious: Any vacancies at the zoo?
The Clash: Lookin’ sharp, and the only name to exert any creative influence from this whole lot. They were my fave band in junior high, and their look is still an influence.
Poly Styrene: Pauline Murray was better
[x]Fashion: “Like trousers, like brain” - Joe Strummer
[x]Abortion: go ahead (and guy, get snipped before plugging her again)
[x]Skins,Punx,sXe and Overnight Punks: To each their own
[15]Why do You think your right for this Community? Cause I see ’77 from a very unique perspective