Alright, so I got bored, so here's a few surveys. I was home alone, and it's a bad day (one year since), so I decided to do something to entertain myself. Quiz one makes me look bad. But it entertained me.
Quiz One
I've never been drunk
I've never smoked pot
I've never kissed a member of the opposite sex
I've never kissed a member of the same sex
I've never crashed a friend's car
I've never been to Japan
I've never rode in a taxi
I've never had anal sex
I've never had sex in public
I've never been's debatable
I've never shoplifted
I've never been fired
I've never been in a fist fight
I've never had a threesome
I've never snuck out of my parents' house
I've never been tied up
I've never been caught masturbating
I've never pissed on myself
I've never had sex with a member of the same sex
I've never been arrested
I've never made out with a stranger
I've never stolen something from my job
I've never celebrated new years in the square
I've never gone on a blind date
I've never lied to a friend
I've never had a crush on a teacher
I've never celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans
I've never been to Europe
I've never skipped school
I've never slept with a co-worker
I've never been to South America
I've never liked onions
I've never done mushrooms
I've never had sex on a beach
I've never had sex with someone the first day I met them
I have never cut myself on purpose
I have never had sex at the office
I have never gotten married
I have never gotten divorced
I have never had children
Quiz Two
(The numbers that are missing are ones that have to do with forwarding it)
The Basics
1. First Name: Jacqueline
2. Middle Name: Alexandra (shhh)
3. Last Name: G.
4. Nicknames: Twichy, Jackie*O, Gils.
5. City: Toronto area, though I wish it was elsewhere.
7. Guy or Girl: girl
8. Zodiac Sign: The fish. >.>
9. Siblings: One sister, Caitlin.
10. Pet(s): Two cats, two dogs.
11. Hair Colour: Partially brown, partially blonde, partially red.
12. Height: 5'3" on a good day.
13. Hair length: Short.
14. Do you bite your nails?: When nervous/often.
15. Do you stare?: Unblinkingly, all the time.
16. What hand do you write with?: Both... omigod!1 wut a freakkk!11
17. Do others think you're cute?: That's a very good question.
18.Shoe size? : Nine
19. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope, and I'm proud.
20. If so, what is their name?:
21. Are you gay?: Nope.
Fashion Stuff
22. Where do you shop the most?: Speaking of that, vintage stuff, Pull (Toronto) and lots of other unknown stores in toronto.
23. Do you think your fashion is cool?: Well, it could be a lot worse.
24. Do you have any piercings?: Yep. Ears, and hopefully soon tongue.
25. If not, what do you want pierced?: Lip (right side), tongue, and eyebrow. Woo! Pin cushion!
26. Do you have a tattoo?: Nope. I will have three stars on my ankle, though.
The Extra Stuff
27. Do you do drugs?: Kinda sorta.
28. Do you drink?: Occasionally.
29. What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?: Herbal Essences. Ooh, I love it.
30. What sport(s) do you play?: riding.. snowboarding.. skateboarding.. more.
31. What are you most scared of?: Uhm, dying, which is weird, but I won't bore you with the details.
32 If you could go anywhere, where would it be? Scotland.. Or maybe Mexico. Who knows, just away from Brampton.
33. How often do you cut your toenails?: I have no clue.
34. What are you listening to right now?:
In Flames - Evil in A Closet (was told to listen to it)
35. What time is it?: 8:27 PM
36. Do you have your own phone line?: If my cell counts, yes.
37. What's the last four digits of your phone number?: House - 7018 Cell- .. I have no clue.
38. What is in your pockets right now?: Let's see, my cell, box of nerds, lip gloss, black nail polish, a phone card, receipts, change, and ooh! Money!
39. What shoes do you wear?: Gallaz.
40. What clothes do you sleep in?: Crazy silk pajamas.
41. What kind of car do you have?: Ask me again in a few years.
42. Where do you want to get married? Just not Brampton. And who says I want to get married? Huh? Huh?!
43. Are you in school?: Yeah-huh.
44. Favourite Actors/Actresses?: None.
45. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?: Uhm, my physical appearence in general. Except my eyes.
46. Who do you really hate?: Hate? I don't really know of anyone who I hate.
47. What are the ugliest names?: Hubert.
48. Colour: Midnight gray, orange, brown, and green.
49. Number: 88 and 783, not that it really matters.
50. Songz: My favorite songS?
Silverstein-Hear Me Out
Anything by Saosin.
51. Movie: I Am Sam, and Moulin Rouge.
52. Candy: Skittles, as everyone knows.
53. TV show: the OC.
54. Fast food restaurant: Pita places.. does that count? I don't really like McDonalds, all that much.
55. Nail polish colour: If anything, it's black.
56 sports team: Torontoooooo Maple Leafs.
57. Subject in school: English/Journalism
58. Good Number: Huh? Uhm, 88?
59. Scent: Swiss Army guy and girl <3333 And Oceanus by the Body Shop.
60. Bath or shower: bath
61. Teacher: Uhm... I don't really have a favourite teacher. If any maybe Mrs. Wilson.
62. Game: DDR Max 2.
63. Food: Pita. God, such a weirdo.
64. Clothing: Uhm, pants?
More Extra Stuff
65. smoke?: Occasionally.
66. Drank?: Wasn't this already asked. Yes.
67. Got Drunk?: Yeah.
68. Bunjee Jumped?: Yeah huh. Brilliant, huh? The girl who's afraid of heights bunjee jumps.
69. Went bar hopping?: Yeah.
70. Broke the law?: Hmmm... Yep.
71. Ran from the cops?: Yes.
73. Made yourself throw up?: Nope.
74. Gone Skinny dipping?: Nope.
75. Been in love?: Not that I really believe in love in the way you mean, but whatever. (In other words - no)
76. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Heheh, yeah. Who hasn't?
What Do you Think of, When you Hear these words...
77. Red: Christmas
78. Cow: lamp (I have a cow lamp, okay?!)
79. Pig: Vegetarian
80. Rubber: bracelets
Which is Worse
81. Barfing on your date or your date barfing on you? Him 'barfing' on me.
82. Having your Thonsils or your appendix removed?: Appendix
When You Hear this Name, You Think Of...
95. Steve: Uhm.. My friend Steve?
96. Jeremy: Jumpin'
97. Missy: Sarah's Cat.
98. David: Science class
99. Ryan: Patterson.
100. Matt: Weirdo who claims to like me.
101. Jewel: Shinyyyy
Have You Ever
102. Eaten an entire pack of KD?: Oh god no, is that in anyway healthy?
103. Caused a car accident?: Hopefully not.
104. Seen the ocean?: Don't remind me.
This or That
105. Night or Day?: Night
106. Chocolate Chip or Mint Chip?: Chocolate chip
107. Ocean or Lake?: ocean
108. Chocolate or vanilla?: Vanilla
109. Lion or Tiger?: tiger
110. Love or Lust?: Lust
111. Silver or gold?: Silver
112. Pencil or Pen?: pen
113. Skirt or jeans?: Jeans.. really baggy jeans.
114. Rose or tuliip?: rose
In the last 48 hours, have you...
115. Cried?: Yes.
116. Bought something? Yeah
117. Worn a skirt?: Nope
118. Gone for a walk?: Yeah, to get my freakin' cough drops -_-'
119. Gone for a drive?: On the bus.
120. Gone out for dinner?: nope.
121. Taken a test?: Yea
122. Talked to an ex?: Yes
123. Missed an ex?: Kinda.
124. Watched your favourite movie?: nope
125. Given someone a present?: Nope
126. Missed someone?: Missed - this could be taken in many ways. *shrug* Yeah.
127. Hugged someone?: I've been hugged.
128. Kissed someone?: Yes.
129. Danced with someone? Actually, yes.
130. Had a nightmare?: Nope
131. Fought with your parents?: Haven't had the chance - they went out and left me here.
The Feeling Side
132. What do you feel about the Ouija board? Pretty cool, fake, but cool.
133. Do you believe in yourself?: I suppose.
134. Worst feeling in the world?: Missing someone (in the way that, you know you're never going to see them again.)
135. Best feeling in the world?: Three little words. It's sad, I really don't believe in it, but it somehow makes me happy to hear it.
136. Are you for world peace? It's practically impossible, but yeah, it'd be cool.
137. Are you a health freak?: For the most part.
138. Do you have a crush on anyone?: I suppose.
139. Does that person love you in return?: Woah woah woah, we went from crush to love? There's something wrong with that.
The Final Questions
140. Do you like filling these out? When I'm bored, sure, why not.
145. How long did this take you?: Too long.
That's all.