Aug 03, 2006 03:28
One little question has been bothering me all day long,
In the process of trying to figure out the answer to that nagging question, I got reminded of a discussion I had with vidder on the most inexpensive and simplest pleasures of life…….
Stretching after a long nap, Scratching your ass, Staying up all night and watching the sun rise, Early morning blue, Checking out anklets on women…checking out women, Listening to old kannada songs in a small hotel, Watching old folk take early morning walks, Fighting with mom , Smell of rain, Watching clouds roll by, Dreaming, Watching cartoon network, Coming home after playing and drinking cold water from the fridge, Vada Sambar, High school crushes, Jerking off, Walking without a sense of purpose, Conversations, Taking a bath, Ironing your only pair of torn jeans, Torn jeans, Winamp, Singing along,
Coming back home after a trip and taking a dump in your own loo, Sleeping on your bed, Falling asleep on the couch while watching TV, Discovering a new band, Marriage food, Sharing a cigarette, butterflies in your tummy before meeting your girl friend, Drawing on your wall, Looking at old photographs, Petting a stray dog……petting any dog, peeing on the road side, being called a struggling artist [thanks Pi ;)], Laughing at people, Laughing at yourself, Making people laugh, Writing, Talking about movies, Fighting and making up with your girl, drawing on your wall, yawning, being lazy, killing a mosquito, Stopping by to watch people play in the field, Curd rice and pickle……………
No, time is not running out……No, money is not so important right now…….No, I am happy….. I still have faith and an ounce of hope in back pocket of my torn jeans….