The fickle finger of forensics

Aug 26, 2006 10:15

I'm all for well-reasoned debate of the issues. That's why I tune out the shout-fest shows on the cable news channels.

Instead, I'll watch Real Time on HBO. Bill Maher insists on a politically-balanced panel, though the other side doesn't always oblige. (In Bill's defense, HBO audiences are quite liberal.)

Enter Vanity Fair columnist Christopher Hitchens. He's the Simon Cowell of the literary world, right down to the British accent and acidic wit. While his opinions don't fly well with the audience, he seems well-reasoned, calm, and deliberate in his delivery.

Unless he feels the audience is getting out of hand. In which case, he gives them The Finger.

Not a debate technique taught in high school forensics classes, I'm sure, because it really cheapens your argument.

debate, politics

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