Taken from
gilliannegarret, by way of
1. Officially Joe Jr, my motto is: “Not your average Joe.”
2. My brother complains that Mother likes me more. I respond, “Well, she didn’t name you after the man she loves.”
3. I do not suffer fools kindly. I once yelled at Mother for giving me a roll of stamps for Christmas - one week before the price of stamps went up.
4. I consider myself a Type A- control freak. Unlike Type As, who dominate every situation, I only get myself into situations I can control.
5. Dream job #1: three words -- Win Brad's Jeopardy!
6. I hate when people bark out my last name like I’m some kind of military grunt.
7. There is actually a rock band called Brad, so of course, I have two of their CDs.
UBL.com says they’ve developed a cult following, so look out, Phishheads!
8. As smart as people think I am, I am a horrible debater. My on-the-spot comment resembles “Oh, yeah?” and I only think up something smart and/or intelligent to say later.
9. Mashed potatoes must be shaped into a crater lake in which to hold the gravy.
10. Dream job #2: Observational humor columnist.
11. My favorite movie has to be To Kill A Mockingbird. Not only on the surface a good movie, TKAM also shows good people struggling against evil. Like life, they don’t always win, but their humanness shines through.
12. Sometimes after I read a certain book or see a certain movie, I feel so bad about sharing a characteristic (behavioral trait, name, gender) with the villain that I want to apologize to somebody.
13. I once asked Spike Lee a question. It was concerning Dennis Rodman’s behavior on the basketball court, though he was more concerned that I had seen one of his movies for the first time only several days earlier.
14. Precocious moment -- You know the saying, “Were you dropped on your head as a child?” Well, I dropped myself on my head in kindergarten by hanging upside down on the jungle gym. That’s what I get for living in the days before hyper-safe playground equipment.
15. Dream job #3: Headline writer for all Entertainment Weekly articles.
16. I have been to Venice, but had to go to San Antonio to ride in the canals.
17. I have been to New York, but had to go to Paris to see the Statue of Liberty.
18. In planning vacations, I am so anal that I print out by-the-half-hour grids of where I am and when I need to be somewhere.
19. What I find most particularly offensive is “the finger”.
20. And what’s the deal with NASCAR? It’s bad enough that men make money for proving how fast they can drive in circles. Now I end up in the middle of the home game driving to work every day.