The 2016 Christmas memo

Dec 16, 2016 07:57

Ed. note: This is the Christmas memo going out in my Christmas cards this year. If you're not on my IRL friends list -- or even if you are -- please accept my Merriest Christmakwanzukkah holiday greetings, and enjoy my year in review.

I hope that 2016 found you well and leaves you in the same condition.

It was a year that was largely quiet around the homestead. The only two exciting items of note were Dad being admitted to the hospital on Valentine’s Day - diagnosed as exhaustion, but perhaps he really didn’t want to pay for dinner that night - and my car windshield being broken into.

You know how they make announcements at baseball games to beware of flying baseballs? Well, my car didn’t pay attention. What made it even worse was that we were on vacation in Reading, Pennsylvania. (We could’ve taken the Reading Railroad, but since we don’t own it, it could’ve cost us each up to $200 in rent.) Fortunately, the weather behaved long enough for us to get home; unfortunately, the baseball in question got away, so we didn’t get to keep it.

Our vacations this year were more localized than in previous years. Memorial Day week found us traveling up the Atlantic coast from Norfolk to Philadelphia, visiting friends and family along the way, while the end of July found us driving around Pennsylvania - including the aforementioned game in Reading - with side trips into New Jersey and New York.

I’m still toiling away in the back rooms of the DMV, if only because no good accountant would count money out in the open. Chad is still the sociably charitable one in the household, organizing fun runs, karaoke nights at local restaurant-bars, and blood drives for his 3 Betties charity. (That last one surprised me, knowing that he hates needles.)

Dad, being Dad, didn’t let his hospital interlude slow him down; in fact, he was on the phone during his stay. It does keep food on the table and the Mrs. out of his hair - yes, I know, a bald joke - but maybe he should start gearing down toward his final approach to 70 next year.

Stay healthy, my friends. And that it is an order from the least interesting man in the world.

Atlantic coast conference: May 30-31, June 1-4
Keystone Kids: August 1-8
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