On the hot seat

Dec 17, 2008 23:44

I always love these Q&A memes. You know the rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

So in response to Becky, here's My5:

1. Who was the worst president ever in the history of the United States and why?
James Buchanan (1857-61). He practically ignored the down-South rumblings which led to the Civil War.

2. Which historical or literary figure would you compare yourself to. Explain.
There are fleeting moments where I'm Miss Havisham (Great Expectations), pouting in my darkened abode plotting deep-seeded revenge against all who have wronged me, real or imagined. But most of the time, I think I'd be Ogden Nash. Not so much for the poetry -- that's his outlet -- but just his different take on the world and his surroundings.

3. You just won a million dollars! The catch is that you have to spend it on yourself and not give any of the money away to other people or buy things for them. What are three things you would buy right away?
A modest penthouse apartment here in town with fabulous audio-visual surround-sound hook-up, an indoor suite at the stadium in Morgantown for those totally unnecessary night games in December, and a blank passport.

4. You've just been elected Governor of West Virginia. What five things would you want to accomplish during your administration?
(a)Establish some form of post-coal economy.
(b)Mandate all elected judicial positions be non-partisan, voted upon only during the general election. (And while that does increase third-party involvement, I think it's important that the judiciary is at least nominally free from party influence.)
(c)Set up legal reforms to improve the state's legal climate -- primary among them, endorsing the "loser pays" concept in interpersonal civil suits.
(d)Promote state natives who have made contributions to national/international culture and society.
(e)Finally, I wouldn't force Marshall and WVU to play each other in football. (If they want to play each other of their own accord, fine -- but it'd never happen.) Instead, I'd pick one weekend every season and have marquee teams come to both Huntington and Morgantown. Based on my belief that this was a misguided financial ploy by Gov "Papa Joe"; Dad believes it to be merely political.

5. If you could ask God one question and be guaranteed an answer (without smiting!) what would it be?
"Are we alone in the universe?" (And by "alone", I mean "no other corporeal beings with a soul".)


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