Forty years on

Apr 04, 2008 22:37

*Undated: Rediscovering Lost Values
*November 17, 1957: Loving Your Enemies
*August 28, 1963: I Have A Dream
*April 4, 1967: A Time To Break The Silence, a declaration against the Vietnam War
*April 3, 1968: I've Been to the Mountaintop

I guess it was good to see John McCain today apologize for stifling passage of a Martin Luther King holiday during the 1980s. Whether it was politically motivated or not, only he knows for sure.

Reading the Vietnam speech, it's obvious -- then as now -- that some Republicans would have trouble embracing anyone who talked about "the madness of Vietnam". In fact, former NC Senator Jesse Helms branded MLK as "a Marxist" during the holiday debate in 1983.

While King spoke of inequities in capitalistic theory and the misdistribution of wealth in America (proposing democratic socialism as a possible solution), he rejected communism as Republicans would: godless.

Btw: I always get tickled when I observe religious, God-is-love Republicans bellying up to the altar with the shoot-first, ask-questions-later hawks in the administration. How long can that train stay on the tracks?

I hope that we're living up to his expectations -- embracing your fellow man, free of color -- but I also realize that, as a society, we sometimes take missteps back. So we can only strive to do our best to treat everyone kindly.

race, mlk, politics

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