Answer Man to the rescue, Ellen edition

Oct 19, 2007 22:41

You've rolled your eyes at the story: Ellen DeGeneres improperly forwarded her adopted dog to her hairdresser, and then the adoption agency revoked the dog.

(May I start off by saying that this another example of people loving their pets WAAAAY too much. Now I'm not one to torture animals in the backyard -- that's the Administration's job -- but there comes a point where you have to take like a man, not a dog. You hear that, Auntie Di? Your cats, dog, and horse are not my "cousins"!)

Here is my quick-and-easy solution:
Ellen starts her own doggie adoption agency, sets up her own rules... and then hires those two women who ran the adoption agency in dispute.

Does that shut down the disputed agency? I suppose, although you could think of it as a merger or acquisition instead. It still leaves three women doing what they intended to do in the first place: delivering unwanted dogs to wanting households.

I can't believe that, if Ellen did hire those women to run her agency, they would then refuse just because Ellen didn't have a you-must-be-this-old requirement. If they did, then I would consider them to be acting childish, and not on principle.

animals, current events

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