Nov 02, 2004 22:21
fuck fuck fuck... Bush is winning. I dont like him.. AT ALL. He's against abortion but pro death penalty, he's against gay marriage, doesnt know what to do unless told, and doesnt fight his own battles. Instead, he sends out 18-yr-old soldiers to do the job. Some of them are so young that that should be considered abortion. GAH
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Yeah, they differ there, but one is a human being being killed and the other is yet to be one. And before you get all worked up about that, if unborn babies are human beings (taking words from the great George Carlin) why aren't these unborn babies counted when the census is taken? How come when a women and two kids and is pregnant with another she says "I have two kids and another on the way" instead of "I have 3 kids". Death is death. It's simply hypocritical to prefer the death penalty and be against abortion.
"would you prefer that the president of the united states go to iraq and fight in the war, or be here protecting our country?"
What exactly is Bush doing here to "protect our country"?
""doesn't know what to do unless told" is completely false as well."
No it's not. Are you really naive enough to think that Bush would be so interested in Iraq if Cheney was not the Vice President?
"and the 18 year-olds you're talking about sign up for the military willingly, and they must know the risks they take by enlisting, especially now."
Right now they sign up willingly. Do you think all the people in the reserves were in it to go to war? Those who signed up to work 2 weeks out of the year are now in Iraq. And what for? Not to defend anything. To find WMD's? Hardly. It's for oil and again, you're quite naive if you believe otherwise.
And even if everyone in the military were willing to go to war, and even wanted too, that doesn't make it right to send them there. The man is basically killing young men to his buddy's can become richer.
To once again steal words from George Carlin: He wants live babies so they can grow up to become dead soldiers.
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