This is lame. I should make a livejournal return sometime.

Jun 02, 2006 02:30

All the things you didnt know, but are dying to find outSo lets get to know each other...Today is::Barely Friday The time is::2:15 AM Name::Tom Any nicknames?::Toomis, sort of. And "hey asshole" What are your embarassing nicknames?:"Hey asshole" :-D Age::20 Height::6' ish Hair color::brown I guess Eye color::bluish most of the time Heritage::A bunch of stuff. Much of which I probably don't even know about. Favorite Food::Chocolate ice cream sundaes Favorite Drink::Pepsi Favorite Smell::I don't know, anything good really Favorite Book::Great Gatsby was cool at the time. I don't read much. Favorite Movie::Back to the Future Favorite Actor/ Actress::Don't really have any Favorite TV Show::Survivor maybe, when it's on Thought Provoking...answer truthfullyWhats the best moment of your life thus far?:Bowling a 235! HA! Whats the worst moment of your life thus far?:I dunno, I can't think of a specific "moment" Biggest regret?:Not doing some things when I feel like I might have actually had a chance. That's all I'll say.. Biggest accomplishment?:BOWLING A 235! Oh dear... Would you lie to someone to protect them?:Sure, I guess...I don't know, this question confuses me Do you trust people?:Too much If not, why?:N to the slash to the A Every betrayed a friend?:I'd like to think no If so, what was the reason?:See 2 above! Was it worth it?:Blahblah What is your biggest dream?:Again, this should be more specific. I most often have the "bathroom dream" *sigh* Whats your biggest nightmare?:See above! What was your most embarassing moment?:Falling out of the chair in 3rd grade omgz. Ok that never happened. Do you care what other people think of you?:Yes, more than I should. :( Why or why not?:Because, I don't know...that's just how I am. When people give you their advice, do you listen?:I listen, yeah. Do I take their advice? Probably not as often as I should. Do you think your better than other people?:Not at all. You spelled "you're" wrong...I'm better than you. HARDY HAR HAR~! Have you ever spread rumors?:I don't think so. I hope not.. Ever gossiped?:GOSSIP RULES! Questions about Love, Sex and everything in betweenAre you a virgin?:Yes If no, do you regret losing it?:blah If yes, are you waiting for a specific reason?:hahah Guys: if a girl is waiting to have sex, would you date her anyway?:Of course. Jeez. Girls, if a guy is waiting to have sex, would you date him anyway?:Scooby Dooby Doo! Whats the best pick up line you ever got?:Yeah, right. Did it actually work?:Yeah, right. Whats the worst pickup line you've ever got?:Yeah, right. How did you respond?:Yeah, right. Are you a one-night stand kind of person?:hah, no, I don't think so Do you prefer relationships or flings?:Wouldn't exactly know..dammit. Relationships would be better Guys: a girl gets pregnant, do you support her or tell her to abort it?:Fuckin' A, this is deep! I am not in the situation, therefore I shall not answer Girls: u get pregnant, do you weigh the guys opinion in matters of aborton?:And I'm not a girl, so I won't answer this either How young is too young to have sex?:2 is DEFINITELY too early Do you have to be in love to have sex?:I'd say yes, but obviously that's not the case a lot of times Do you like anyway?:Wow...if it wasn't for the next question, I'd be really confused. Ugh. And I don't know anymore Is it a secret crush?:Again, I don't even know. If so, who is it?:If there was someone, and it was a secret, and I answered this, it wouldn't be a god damn secret! Are you in love right now?:Of course. :-/ No. Could this person be "the one":No Do you believe in Soul Mates?:Sure How many ex's do you have?:ZERO Do you take past relationships as learning experiences or mistakes?:Learning experiences, duh What is one relationship you regret?:The one with you Whats one relationship you wish you would have pursued?:The other one, that I missed my chance on. I love vague answers, since I have no real answers If someone unexpected asked you out today, would you say yes?:How the hell do I know? It would depend who it was! If yes, why?:If I liked them, sure If no, why?:If I didn't like them, then no...sorry. Ethics....Morals and ValuesThoughts on abortion?:Don't put yourself in that position, but sometimes it's the best choice Thoughts on euthenasia?:Go for it, if the person believes in it and it's the only reasonable option. Thoughts on politics?:They suck balls. Thoughts on war?:They're very war-like Thoughts on genetic engeneering?:Holy jesus. Thoughts on Reglion and God?:Keeps people occupied, I suppose, eh? Other thoughts you have?:I have no thoughts. It's the middle of the damn night. Do you believe you are a good person?:Yes. Do you believe you always do the right thing?:No. A bum asks you for money, what do you say?:Depends. Do you judge people before you know them?:Yes, sometimes..I think everyone does to an extent. Being proven wrong is cool though. Senarios 2 ppl in a room: do you talk to the hot/dumb one or smart/plain one?:Hot/dumb one, DUH! HAAAAAAHA....yeah A guy is drunk and falls: do you laugh out loud or ask him if he is ok?:I laugh my fucking ass off. Not only do I laugh my fucking ass off, I point my fucking finger off. So there. Drunk girl at a party: take her upstairs or make sure she gets home ok?:Ooooh snap. How about taking her upstairs so that she doesn't go home...that's the only safe choice. ;) Ah I keed I keed. A little more about you...Do you believe in love?:Yes Do you believe in yourself?:No Do you believe in others?:Yes Last QuestionsAre you an honest person all of the time?:All of the time? No. Look at this survey. Were you entirely honest in this survey?:How about that. No I wasn't. Did you enjoy the survey?:Not as much as I hoped to. Take this survey | Find more surveys
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