5 airports in 1 day

Mar 03, 2010 23:16

All for 40 minutes in Mexico. What the heck was I smoking when I arranged this trip?!

I do not recommend day trips to Mexico if u are coming from the opposite end of the continent ;p

Been flying since 5am est, of course flying back and forth through 3 times zones has made the trip seem like eternity!
I am an idiot too, first case and point. I land in Houston and look at my iPod for the time, and see I am going to me late for my next flight. So I run! My pants are literally falling down cause I wore my biggest size that don't fit, and no belt. So I am running across the airport with my hands holding up my pants... Get to the gate and notice no one boarding and everything calm. Then it hits me...my iPod is on eastern time!!!! Duh!!!! I had an hour!!!!

Ugh, then the real case for me being an idiot is that I don't remember my passport till I am in the car headed to the boarder!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANTED TO CRY!
But the driver said just tell them I forgot and I will me fine with just id. And the facility made me a fake emergency accuse note just incase. But dude at border just said don't forget next time, and I didn't even need the note.

So right now I am in phoenix, headed to philly, then home just in enough time to shower have an energy drink, and prepare for my interview...

Never again my friends...and I am on liquids the next three days! Daaaaangit!

Oh well, all in the name of health I guess.
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