Dec 20, 2005 16:00
so you guys remember erica slabe?(i know exactly what your thinking as soon as you read that name)well she called me and wanted me to visit, she moved to lakewood. i was already on the west side visiting molly (annnnnnnd hearts annnnnnnnd hearts i love you) so i thought, hey its ont he way home and maybe shes finally different and has the money she owes me. haha yeah right.
so this girl says the most hateful things i have ever heard come out of a human beings mouth in less than an hour of being there. and as time went on she just got worse. shes a serious bitchasouraus.she even gave me her reasons why the "jewish deserved what they got" and how "they made it all up for attention and cuz they didtn wanna have to work" and how they control the universe and "we" should rise against htem she ACTUALLY said " i want you to thang out with me cuz your the only person attractive enough to be seen with me". she wont be around unnattractive ppl...isnt that horrible? anyway...
so after listening to her go on and on, and feeling like if i said anything shed find something to bitch about, i said something. her mom called and i have NEVER heard anyone talk to their mother like this, seriously a vicous murderer mother woudlnt deserve to hear her children talk to her like this, so she gets off and explains to me what her mother did that was SO wrong (it was telling her that she was ready to give her the money that she doesnt deserve in any means now, instead of later on...) and then i asked her what she wanted me to do, go home or stay, she says "well umm (in a mocking way) you cant be here when my roomate gest home cuz im not going to be with you, thats so fucking rude, so you should come iwth me and we should take your car cuz if we take mine i have to get gas and i dont wanna spend MY money on that shit" so i said " heh....well i dont wanna go with you when you see your mom cuz i dont wanna be around the fighting its awkward" so it all went like this:
E-"what the fuck you cant trust me not to fight with my mom for five minutes? what the fuck"
Me- i said in all honesty "uh...NO! i cant, you cant seem to go five minutes without fighting with ANYONE!"
E-"well umm (mocking me) am i fighting now?"
Me-"yes...with me.and its ridiculous"
E-"im fighting with you cuz your-
ME-"-cuz you bitch constantly about everything."
E-"well im sorry its so miserable for you, maybe you shouldnt be around me cuz i bitch alot"
Me-"hell yeah you do!, and you know your right. bye, use your own damn car. your going to be lonely the rest of your life if you dont stop being such a hateful,shallow, selfish, inconsiderate RAGING BITCH!. fuck you, call me when you have my money" SLAM
E-"waiiit (bladeblahde blah i coudlnt hear the rest cuz i slammed the door and left).
now how many of you who know this girl agree that someone shoulda said this a long time ago,it may sound harsh but if it does to you you obviously dont know this girl, damn. i feel so powerful right now. im going to put ppl in their places alot more often. if you deserve it your going to get it. dont ever treat me like a pushover or shit again
damn it feels good to be a gangstah, im going to celebrate tonight by going to 80s night.hopefully ill pick up a feller one of these days coming up...i deserve one of those-a GOOD one. that im actually attracted to (is that so wrong?)