(no subject)

Jun 26, 2004 10:32

hey everyone..had lots of fun last night! woo that has to become our friday ritual ;)
p.s. new user icon!! it's my kitty!! ooo i love her...i took that picture when she was yawning...hehehe she's my favorite kitty ever!!
wow...as my emotional mushy side shines through
uggggghhhhhhhhhhhh alexa i can't wait until camp!!!! damnit it won't come quick enough!!!
::fun images of reverand squirrel and Cuffie(Louis..haha) bowing down to the almighty pinecone god and us with Leah getting trapped on the bay for 4 hours with our broken sailboat and me getting stung by that jellyfish on steroids(it was like the grandaddy of all jellyfish!!):: ahhh those were the days...anywho...got to go to work...I swear i'm quitting today!!!! im tired of having two jobs!! minimum wage my ass!!!!!! that felt good...ok leave me kisses!
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