X2ed: [video]

Apr 24, 2011 20:02

[The video opens to the sight of Haruko, Bass  strapped to her back and a deep scowl plastered across her face, peers deeply and intently into the PCD held just before her face. The intent of the message should be clear to those who saw the results of the alternate history forced upon her. A history that saw a proud, and slightly unstable, space pirate reduced to a mere shadow of herself. No longer the galaxy traveling free spirit known as a seeker of great power, and all around crazy person, Haruko was a mere house-keeper, tending to the needs of her not!boyfriend and his family while running errands on the side.

Once she had relized what had happend, Haruko immediately set to make up for lost time, taking her beloved god-made bass and setting out to do what she did best, cause wanton destruction and mayhem for no real reason. Which today amounted to laying waste to any foliage with the unfortunate fate of growing outside of Devil's Nest.]

I'm pretty much it's established I, and everybody else here, reallllly hate the Animus, so I'll make this fast. If I'm ever that boring again, I'm giving you all permission to kill me. Seriously, If I'm boring I ain't me and that's no way to live...

[With that Haruko straps the PCD to her hip and begins to bash at random plant life in an explosive display of power and hatred.]

haruko is pissed, god what am i doing?, hates this place so much, damn it animus, picking fights for no reason, pain fuels my soul

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